I saw an article in the lapidary journal the other day in which the
jewelry artist was using a perforated soldering pad to hold the
pieces of silver to be soldered. She put little pins into the holes.
This looked like an answer to my problem of soldering small odd
shaped pieces together without them moving all around. But, I
haven’t been able to locate a supplier. Anyone know where to buy
But, I haven't been able to locate a supplier. Anyone know where to
buy one?
If the one you’re describing is the one I think it is, look at page
380, item ‘C’ in 2006-2007 Rio Grande catalog.
They list a 713/16" x 5 1/2" x 1/2" block for $11.50.
Another item that works very well for the job you’re describing is a
magnesia firebrick, also called a silversmiths firebrick. These are
soft enough to push pins in any place you want, but hard enough to
stand up to years of service. If your jewelers supply doesn’t stock
them, check out a home supply or a brickyard. One brickyard that I
know has them is the Phoenix Brickyard (phxbrickyard.com). They’re
not listed on the site, but if you contact them they’ll ship them to
The ceramic pad you want is the burner pad or plate used on a
infrared heater on top of the propane tanks. Anybody that sells them
and parts probably sell the plates. CR Hill in Berkley Michigan sell
them. As they are in the Grobet dealers catalog. 1-800-521-1221
Honeycomb Design Ceramic soldering blocks 54.215 3 3/4"x5 1/2" and
54.216 5 1/2"x7 3/4" the Tstyle pins works well in it.
Using the soft kiln bricks has already been mentioned, but I’ll add
that a box of STAINLESS steel sewing or dressmaker pins will be most
useful. My mentor, James Cook, taught me that trick.
The straight pins can be bent into an “L” or upside-down “J” with
pliers, then holding the pin with needlenose pliers, you can stick
the sharp end into the brick and firmly push it down until the head
of the pin is securing your piece in place. If you must move the pin,
plan on placing it into another spot on the brick. The pins can be
re-used several times. Be sure to buy stainless steel.
When the soldering surface of the brick gets glazed over from flux
spray, take it out to a flat concrete surface and rub it in circles.
Removes the glaze and gives you a fresh surface… or use a hack saw
and cut/“slice” 10mm or so off.