Hi folks, During my recent spring cleaning I found a long lost
catalogue from a local chemical lab called "Bryant Laboratory, Inc."
They are located in Berkeley, California and supply chemicals and lab
equipment to schools and other labs.
Some of you have asked about formulas for patination. This company
can supply all of the chemicals as well as many of the formulas. They
also have some videos by Ron Young on techniques for finishing metals
( including steel and aluminum etc.) with coatings or patinas plus
some basic safety procedures for the work shop. Many of these
ingredients can be very dangerous so some common sense is called for
if you try them. Metalsmiths and artisans have been using them for
centuries with great success and lived to tell about it.
They don’t seem to have a web site but their phone and FAX numbers
aRe: (510)526-3141 voice (510)528-2948 FAX
Regards, David