Paasche air brush [Was: polishing skills]


can you give me more details about a Paasche air brush and A1203
sand. How do I go about doing this?



Hi Folks,

Let me explain about how and why. Micro-blasters, which are
used in dentistry, are usually either single or twin reservoir
table top cabinets with suction. There are 1 or 2 ‘penlike’
handpieces that are attached to the cabinet which is attached to
a dry compressed air source. The 2 reservoirs usually have one
reservoir filled with aluminous oxide abrasive (AL2O3), and the
other reservoir filled with glass beads. These ‘pens’ are
precise. They can be used to deflask and texture but are
precise enough to carve even the finest anatony on the occlusal
(chewing area) of a porcelain crown. They are also used to
texture the metal on a restoration that will recieve the
porcelain veneering. This is done because the bond between the
metal and the ‘opaque bake’ (the first layer of the porcelain
veneering process) is bonded not only physically through the
undercuts in the blasted surface, but also chemically to the
oxide layer of the metal being veneered. By increasing the
surface area by micro-blasting (this triples the surface area),
you increase the area that can be oxidized and be bonded with
the porcelain. These tools are originally a piece of equipment
used in the tooling industry to de-burreven the tiniest holes.

The Paasche air brush is a poormans version of this tool. You
fill the reservoir of the air brush with the aluminous oxide
abrasive and point it at the area to be textured while holding
the ‘ganze Mischigas’(the whole set-up) over a large trash can.
These airbrushes can be used in very delicate work. Just look
at some of the artwork done on some of the custom vans and cars.
The tips wear out but this is a good thing. As the oriface
gets bigger, you can save them and use them for larger and
larger sizes of sand and glass beads. You will need a dry
compressed air source. As for the micro-blasters and the
abrasive, you can get them from a dental supply house, or better
yet(and cheaper) is to look up sandblasting equipment suppliers
in the yellow pages. The sand in dental work has to be free of
all contaminants to ensure a strong bond and this raises the
price considerably. You now know more than you ever dreamed
you’d know about micro_blasting!:o)



Skip Meister
N.R.A. Endowment &
Certified Instructor
in all disciplines
Certified Illinois D.N.R.
Hunter Ed, Instructor

Note From Ganoksin Staff:
Looking for a sandblasting cabinet for your jewelry projects? We recommend: