Organic CAD designer

Hello all,
The company I’m working for is looking for someone that can do freelance CAD design. As an example of the sort of designer we are looking for I have included a picture of a piece we are remaking for a client. We want this piece to de done in CAD and not hand carved. Plus we are making a few changes to this design. Hoping to find someone that can make up a CAD based on our designs once in a while. Most likely would be working over email and phone conversations.
If anyone knows a really good designer please send me some contact info.

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That should not be a problem.
Depending on the quality of the sculpting work you might want as to the cost.
I have 55 years in designing and making jewelry and have many awards under my belt as well as a sculpture in the Vatican.
The sculpture was done in CAD and then cast in bronze in my studio.

The image you showed is very rough work and should not cost over $80 the detail in the pope we did would cost around $350 - $450 for the CAD but the detail is exact down to the pimples on his face. We removed 10 years off his age which impressed him a lot😉

You can reach me at


That’s a pretty impressive Pope you have there! Incredible work! I’m curious as to what he is holding…what is it?

He is holding and blessing the map of panama topographic map.
Thanks for the compliment.
Anything you might want done we can do it for you.
I work with clients around the world so will not be a issue.

We also do replacement class rings for people they typically cost :heavy_dollar_sign: 75 to do but will need photos of a original both sides snd top views.
Or art work.

What kind of Cad software are you using if I may ask?
Impressive work :slightly_smiling_face:

Regards Per-Ove

Hi Vernon sir Great work .

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That is amazing work. Love the detail you made on it. now the problem is getting my boss to make a decision on what he wants to do for a designer.

A number of different programs. We use MartixGold, Zbrush the most but my partner was a freelance animator and did work for companies like Walt Disney etc.
So between my 55 years on the bench and his background with computers we can make almost anything we can think of.

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I will be happy to work with him doing custom designing. Custom orders are my specialty.
I usually start by doing a personality profile of the client. Then I design to match their personality and lifestyle.
Only need 4 questions answered to start the design process.