{Orchid] Sony vs Nikon

We have been using a Sony Mavica for close to a year now. The ease
of the access to floppy disks in all corners of the universe [and
their low cost & re-useability] have made this camera a snap. The
only limitation has been with very dark rooms and difficulty with
lighting [althought there may be adjustments that I haven’t figured
out yet]. We have used the 60s movie feature to grab the Best Frame!
And of course use the zoom feature all the time. We download the
keepers to a zip disk and keep everything nicely organized. Good
luck…I have a palm too that has to be hooked up to the computer for
communications and that has been a bit limiting.

Hi, I have used Sony , Riccoh and Minolta cameras during the past
year , My favorite is the Sony Mavica. Although I have not master
taking sapphires out of it all other stones Come out great. See what i
did with my camera at


best of luck in your selection
Ahmed shareek