[Orchid Benefits] A complete set of Santa Fe Symposium books!


Recognized as the premier forum in the world for the exchange of
technical pertinent to the jewelry industry, the Santa
Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing presents current, relevant
in an unbiased, non-commercial atmosphere, promoting
learning and the free-exchange of knowledge.

Over the past 19 years, more than 350 papers have been presented by
industry professionals, knowledgeable jewelry manufacturers and
leaders in the fields of science and technology from around the
world and that collective knowledge has been captured and bound in
the Santa Fe Symposium books.

Rio Grande, sponsor of the Symposium, has donated a complete set of
these 19 hardbound Santa Fe Symposium books to the Orchid Forum as a

The complete set of Santa Fe Symposium books retails for $ 950

We offer the complete set for ONLY $ 750 [including S&H] for the
first Orchidian who will reply to @Service

The lucky winner will go home with this valuable resource that
details much of the technological research and advances that have
taken place in jewelry manufacturing over nearly the past two

Thank you Rio!

For a better Orchid