(On-line) via "ZOOM" teaching!

A few weeks ago I received a letter directly from “92y” in New York City, USA. The director asked me would I be interested in teaching a class on Diamond Setting? In only a few moments, I answered the letter and the ‘rest is history’…:>)
On October 14th I will, with the great assistance of the ZOOM technology be teaching an 8-week, class on Diamond Setting.
How many students can join 'us?, as many as possible 12-?, is the answer!
What topics will be taught or demonstrated?

  1. Bezel Setting, 2) Channel Setting, 3) Gypsy/Flush setting, 4) Princess setting, 5) Many uses of setting stones with Gravers.
    There will be 2 sessions per setting topic
    The teaching dates are October 14th - November 2nd.
    Because of this Covid-19, all sessions will be using the ZOOM technology!
    Registration will be through the “92nd street. Y”
    Email directly to www.92.org/jewelry

Mazel Tov! The 92nd Street YM-YWHA is a venerable New York institution, which has hosted classes, performances, and lectures by some of the most notable figures of the last hundred years. You are in excellent company.

Hi Elliot
Shabbat Shalom!:star_of_david::israel:
So many thanks for your good wishes.
After many back and forth emails, Jonathan & I put together a great class. Better than schlepping to NYC from Toronto…and returning!

L’Shonah Tova to you!..:wink:
Gerry, on my iPhone

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Sounds really interesting. What will the cost be?
What time of day will it be? I’m in North Wales (UK)

That is fantastic! I will spread the word! So many of us who love the 92Y Jewelry Dept. are frustrated that we can’t get back to the bench with the covid restrictions. Zoom classes are the only thing that makes sense until they have a vaccine.

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Hi Midastouchjewels
UK includes England & the surrounding areas. Such as (Northern) Wales, Scotland & Ireland. New York is -5 GMT, Toronto is also -5GMT!

BTW; GMT translates “Greenwich Mean Time“
For example: 10:00 am NYC is -5 GMT.
Then South-Wales is 3:00 pm. (?) “Greenwich” is a town South East of London, England.
For example: France might be +1GMT.
I was there once and a line was engraved on a plaque, in the ground!
This is also called the “International Dateline”. Sorry for the very long translation…:slight_smile:
Gerry, on my iPhone in -5GMT.

I wish I could take the class; alas, it’s during my working day. However, I’m a grateful student of past classes at the Y (in person, pre-Covid).
They’re offering a mix of online and in person classes now; they just re-opened. I’m dying to get back into the studio For one of the evening classes because I don’t have a decent home setup. I’m just nervous about it, even though I know people in class will probably be Smart about masks. What to do…

It’s tempting to want to get back in the studio–but you have to weigh the risk. I know the Y is doing everything right, but it’s not a slam dunk you won’t contact the virus due to silent transmission and no vaccine. Information is coming out now about people who have recovered but have permanent brain/heart/lung damage. If you are high-risk (or live with people who are) you should ask yourself if it’s worth it. Contact Jonathan and ask him if he can make the Zoom class recording available later, maybe for a reduced price since you won’t be able to participate in the live class.


Hi @gerrylewy18, I’ve seen some of your videos on YT. Love your stuff! I want to point out there is a problem in your url its actually www.92y.org/jewelry but for anyoen that doesnt want to tsearch here is a direct link to your class listing: https://www.92y.org/soa/jewelry/visiting-artists-workshops.aspx?keyword=lewy&200_C_Jewelry=Visiting%20Artists&200_C_Jewelry=Workshops

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Hi Yasin

So many thanks for the long URL-link. The easier method, is to scroll down the class names and voila,… Here I Am!

I’m quite excited & honoured in being an instructor at the 92Y.

For those people who are signing up, we have a lot to learn and discuss. If you have any questions during the class, please don’t hesitate, I’ll try and answer them all…:>)


Mazel tov and an early Shana Tovah. I’m going to try and participate.

Please pray for all of us on the West Coast.

Ellen Lyons
Ellen Lyons Jewelry Designs
Seattle, WA

This sounds great. I have taken many courses at the Jewelry Center at the Y. I am thinking it might be great to take this Zoom class with you. I hope it is not already filled.
Nancy Klotz

Hi Nancy

I’m not sure how the registration is doing, but I suggest you sign up a.s.a.p. We will be covering Bezel, Channel, Flush and 4 &6-claw settings. Not to forget that we will be using gravers in these styles of settings. I am a great believer that the Flat & Onglette gravers are used in the finishing as not many Diamond Setters use them.

I look forward in meeting you, via ZOOM….till then, fondest regards!

Gerry, I have registered for your stonesetting course. How do I arrange to buy the materials and tools?

Hi Andrew…and everyone!!
I’m going to do you a great favour. I have all the resources, all you do is sign up and my two suppliers will do the rest.
My suppliers know exactly what tools and silver-rings to get for me!
I’m now even purchasing an up to date webcam! There will be at times you will see me working at my bench… really up close with my camera.

Gerry, on my iPhone

the email you have added a link to does not connect can send me contact details directly please
I am very intrested in the subject

thank you
Lawrence edwards

Hi Lawrence Edwards & JenEva098 and everyone on Ganoksin

This is the DIRECT link to our Diamond Setting class


We still have loads of room to our interesting class