Old investment

I have a question for whom ever. About 10-12 years ago i was
given as a gift 2 buckets of investment from Reo Grand. I opened
one and used some from it then resealed the lid the other has the
orignal seal intact. Would i be safe in using either of these or
should i use it for spackel to patch holes in the wall?

I know what the literaure says about the short shelf life of
investment (6 mo or so?) but this past summer I was in a pinch
and had some very old ( 3 ~ 4 years) assortments of investments.
In short, I tried them and they worked fine. I suggest that the
most crucial factor for a long shelf life is keeping a tight
seal on the containers. I wouldn’t like to try it on more
important pieces however, until you do an experimental casting


Larry I think you can answer that question yourself. If you had
a very improtant job to cast and you didnt want any problems
would you use this investment? I dont think i would want to risk
it. You could use to do some experimental things with but

I know what the literaure says about the short shelf life of
investment (6 mo or so?) but this past summer I was in a pinch
and had some very old ( 3 ~ 4 years) assortments of investments.

Thank you for the advice. I have about 50 wax’s worked up over
the last few years and am wanting to get them cast. I am having
to work out of the kitchen and have limited equipment. So will
give it a go and see what happens. 1 pail has the original air
tight seal so i will work with it first. one more question, as I
don’t have a vaccume machine, does it require a full vac, or will
a partial vac help. I do have a vac packer for foods and a large
jug i can pull a vac on. My guess is that it will probably be
around 15 in. just a guess .

Again thanks.   larry