[NYC] Bench jeweler education

Hello al I am in new york and i an trying to learn this field books
and videos only take me so far even though i am very good with my
hands i used to be in construction so i know how to use tools i find
myself very comfortable with the jeweler’s tools and i like doing it
alot i have the gift with my hands that whatever i put my mind to i
can do so basically im looking for a school in ny that i can go to
become a bench jeweler and go from there i dont want any of these 2
week craft schools im looking for the long term run but not like FI
all help will be greatly appreciated or if anyone out there is in new
york and looking to take someone on willing very willing and eager to
learn this field i want to learn i think i read almost all the books
in the field im hungry for knowledge i really want to get into the
jewelry field so again thank for any and all help

A hungry and willing want to be jeweler

Contact the Nearest Junior Colledge, they have good classes on this
subject. And It should’t cost you a arm and a Leg for the Course.

Billy S. Bates

Every yera there is a Jewelers cinference I think in the Javitz
center. The Toback fafmily has been very active in it in the past.
At the conference they talk about bench jeweler certification and
carrer opportunities and have a job fair too. It is also a great
resource for people starting out in their own business. I would
suggest calling Toback and asking to talk to Michael and if you can
make it throug all of the hubub that goes on there because it is
always busy and people can get short sometimes. i thinl he might be
able to lead you in the right direction. And you can also look at
the javitz site or online as a last resort.

Good Luck.-T