Non-academic research in metallurgy

Dear Sirs/Ma’ams,

First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me the privilege
of this interaction.?

We are?wholesalers of loose colored precious gemstones and cultured
pearls?with our office in New York.

I have always been interested in jewelry manufacturing technology
and its associated industry. I am currently based in India on an
assignment. I have been tinkering with metallurgy (or micro
metallurgy so to say) associated with our industry and have been
doing sort of a non-academic research in the melting and other
practices utilised in this industry.

I had a situation where I am seeking your assistance and have been
guided by the silver institute guys to do so.

I am?not clear about the concept and the differences between
soldering, brazing and welding as also I am trying to find out what
all materials/compostions/chemicals could be enlisted, if I were to
make a list of things which are/can be used as fluxes ( for melting,
soldering,brazing,welding) for melting brass, nickel silvers etc
which form the basic alloying elements of Gold and Silver.

I would really appreciate your feedback/assistance.

Please feel free to contact me in case you need any further

I can also be contacted at

My current cell phone ( in India ) is 3426 8884 ( 011-91-22-3426
8884 ).Sincerely, Nilesh Gupta