New Member

Hi all, new member Bruce Hershberger in Lomita, CA. I started silversmithing 2 years ago after 18 years of custom bladesmithing and having my rotator cuff surgery…needed a \”lighter\” hobby 🙂 I think I\’m doing pretty well so far but I\’ll let y\’all be the judge of that after I get around to posting some pics. I joined bc there is soooo much to be learned out there, and like many, I\’ve learned everything so far by trial and error and depending on the generous information shared by the artisans on forums and elsewhere. So, I look forward to learning, sharing, and communicating with other likeminded people.

Welcome to Orchid! There are LOTS of truly amazing and extremely talented people who generously share their knowledge and are incredibly helpful with problem solving!
Alaska Silver

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Hi there!

Welcome! You are joining a fabulous forum!


Welcome, it is a great place to be…Rob

Thank you all for the welcome…looking forward to all of it!

Welcome! Always happy to see new people. This is a great place to learn new things. Enjoy your time. And heal quickly!
God bless