Howdy, Gang!
I am beginning to feel like those people who walk by a computer (or
a piece of machinery, or whatever) and the thing starts throwing
parts at them. The last few weeks I have had more than my share of
printer & computer problems, now it’s my new Little Torch.
It’s only 2-3 months old, and I don’t know if it’s “jinxed” or if I
just don’t know what I’m doing (a REAL possiblity). So, please kind
jeweler friends, help me one more time! By the way, the instruction
book tells you more than anyone would want to know about
cutting/welding torches, but not a word or even a sketch of a
jewelers torch.
The gauge measuring hose pressure on the acetylene tank doesn’t
go completely to 0 when I close the tank and clear the line. (I had
to send the oxygen regulator back before I used it because it
wouldn’t hold pressure, so I have my suspicions.) Is this a problem,
or just one of those things that happens? -
I cannot keep a constant flame. When I get it regulated to the
size, shape, color, etc. that I want, many times it changes, mostly
losing any yellow flame and ending up with strictly blue. -
What size tip do I need to be using fto solder silver? Same for
brass and copper? -
What pressures do I need to set my regulators at for both of the
tanks and both of the hoses? -
Yesterday I started getting “flash back” to the fuel adjustment
valve on the torch handle. Makes it kind of hard to shut the valve
off through all those flames! Something tells me this is not the
appropriate way for the torch to be functioning!
Yes, I have flash back (is that the right term) valves on both
Well, these are all my current dilemmas. Any other hints and tips
will be graciously received!