New Hydraulic Dies

Hi all,

I would love your comments, opinions, and suggestions -

Before I take new drawings to the firm that creates my dies, I
thought many of you might just happen to have some design desires
and pattern suggestions for new dies to use with the hydraulic

Do you have a particular pattern in mind? Have you heard of any
patterns that are desired? I am extremely interested in your comments
about the prior dies I introduced last year; if you have them, if
you’ve used them, as well as all feedback you might have obtained to

Art is never created in a vacume, I want to make what you think we
need and offer more alternative after market die designs for our use
with our hydraulic presses; and of course, Metal Corrugation!

Please [CC] send your replies and image attachments to:

Thanks you so much!
My best,
Trish McAleer -
President, Metal Arts Society of So. Cal. -