[New Gallery] Pam Chott - Song of the Phoenix

Artist: Pam Chott
Email: SongofthePhoenix AT pobox.com
Orchid Gallery: http://www.ganoksin.com/orchid/Pam-Chott-1.htm

Although my love of rocks dates to my earliest memory, I had embarked
on a nursing career, marriage and motherhood when the attraction
resurfaced with a passion that wouldn’t be denied. Generous
members of our rock club taught me the basics of working with silver
and later I attended occasional workshops, eventually developing my
own “art jewelry” style.

Using stones and crystals in their natural state or shaped and
polished to reveal their beauty, I design and fabricate each piece of
jewelry myself. I especially enjoy wonder-filled pieces such as
ancient glass shards, meteorites, fossils, and stones which “play”
with light: iridescence, translucency, schiller. When the
composition is just right, I hear the stones singing beautiful
clear notes. This is my “Song of the Phoenix”.