Artist: Noel Yovovich
New Artist Gallery :
Noel Yovovich lives and works in Evanston, Illinois, but draws much
of her inspiration from her childhood in rural Florida. She grew up
in an area between Tampa and Sarasota in which wildlife was much
more numerous than people, especially children. The locale was
popular as an over-winter and retirement spot for traveling circus
and carney performers, and among her nearest neighbors were a
retired clown, a sword-swallower and his wife, a professional fat
lady, as well as a “giant” and a family of aerialists. This colorful
beginning was followed by study culminating in a B.A. in Fine Arts
from the University of Chicago, and the professional pursuit of art
ever since.
Landscapes and intimate still-lives predominate in intricate
jewelry, much of which uses carefully-controlled anodization of
titanium, combined with sterling silver, plus gold, copper, and/or
stones, to produce works with surprising detail and illusion of
depth. Many of these works are intended to suggest a glimpse into a
private life, and a situation of dynamic tension in which the viewer
is stimulated to provide the emotional content. Others, such as the
“Dream Landscape” series, invite the viewer to share the artist=92s
sense of longing for a setting of natural beauty which is not
available in the here-and-now.
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