A few weeks or a month or so ago, there was a posting about a
pearl design competition. Does anyone know or remember this or
do you have any info about it?
Thanks in advance for any help…
John Dach and Cynthia Thomas
Maiden Metals
a div. of The relative weight of difficulties
MidLife Crisis Enterprises is largely a function of our own
PO BX 44
Philo, CA 95466
A few weeks or a month or so ago, there was a posting about a
pearl design competition. Does anyone know or remember this or do
you have any info about it?
Dear Cynthia,
I don’t know the deadline dates, but the contest is an
international pearl design contest sponsored by a Japanese pearl
assn. For more and entry submission contact:
Devin Macnow
Tele-Press Associates, Inc.
321 E. 53rd St
New York, NY 10022
T: 212.688.5580
F: 212.688.5857
e: amacnow@igc.apc.org
Hope this helps,
Luma Group, Inc. Tel: (212)391.3999
21 W 47th St 6/F Fax: (212)391.0090
New York, NY 10036 Email: @William_Hochstedler
Hi Cynthia,
I don’t have the at my fingertips, but it’s been
advertised in the last few issues of Lapidary Journal.
Dave Sebaste
To all those who gave me info. about the pearl competition
THANK YOU!!. I am always amazed on the net how wonderfully
open and helpful people are. Again Thanks. Cynthia
John Dach and Cynthia Thomas
Maiden Metals
a div. of The relative weight of difficulties
MidLife Crisis Enterprises is largely a function of our own
PO BX 44
Philo, CA 95466