Need recommendations for Point of Sale Inventory System

I am a member of a 100 person art co-op. Most of our revenue comes from jewelry but we also sell 2D and 3D crafts.
We do our accounting on QuickBooks and have been using software called POSIM (Point of sale Inventory management) to manage our inventory and sales. We are not entirely happy with POSIM for a variety of reasons and are wondering what other galleries use as a POS and inventory system. The ideal system would integrate seamlessly with QuickBooks. I would most appreciate any suggestions!

We use The Edge. Our mixed media gallery has both inventory, emo goods and consignment pieces, and handles them all with ease. It integrates with quickbooks.
Photo inventory, tag printing, photo receipts, repair envelopes, appraisals, you name it.

Hi Sarah,

I can recommend our system, called PIRO. PIRO is a jewelry specific manufacturing and inventory software with real-time QuickBooks integration (both the desktop and online version is supported). Our POS module is coming out by the end of March - if you write an email to we can provide you more information.


I really love Square. I have used it in several co-ops, as well as for my own business at pop-up retail locations, and always been very happy with both the interface and the reporting.


Hi Jenny,
Does Square do inventory control well? Do you think it would work well in a gallery with over 100 artists each with 20-30 items in inventory?

Yes- I love the way the inventory is managed. I personally haven’t used it for a store of more than 30-ish vendors though. But some vendors had hundreds of SKUs and/or variations within an item.

@sarahmliron Go for CaratIQ at