Hello all,
I am writing to sadly report that my plan to attend the 2008 Tucson
gem and mineral show has been overtaken. I had my airline tickets
(my DH was to accompany me) to Tucson and we were to stay with my
cousin and her husband who live in Sahuarita.
Well, my boss the dentist decided to treat us all to an intensive
dental office software course out of town that same weekend. At
first I told them that weekend was already taken, but after they
persisted for 2 weeks wearing me down, I decided it was best for me
to attend with them and plan on Tucson next year instead.
I will really miss Ronda Coryell at C in M and I will miss the
Orchid dinner as well, which I already registered and paid for. I
would like to make a disposition of that - maybe Hanuman or someone
in charge can help me there.
My thanks to Karen Christians and all who responded to my plea of
how to spend the short time I had planned there. I have studied and
saved your responses.
So my new plan will be to attend the 2009 event, God willing that
there is one and I am still living. It will be sweeter for waiting.
I will rent a car and stay longer than I was going to this time. Boo
Connie L.
Don’t worry, Tucson WILL be there next year. One thing that has been
very helpful for me is to subscribe to “Colored Stone” magazine. You
receive the Tucson Show Guide about 1 mo. ahead of the show. You can
then study/mark/notate, etc. to your heart’s content and won’t waste
time when you get there. They are available free of charge at all of
the shows, but then you have to study it while there to make time
your ally.
No affiliation w/ Colored Stone.
Kay Taylor
Well, my boss the dentist decided to treat us all to an intensive
dental office software course out of town that same weekend.
The Tucson Shows run from January 26th through February 17th.
The 12th Annual Tucson Orchid Dinner
is on Friday, Feb. 8, 2007
There are still many more shows to see before and after the weekend
of the Orchid Dinner, so you should come anyways, even if you are
going to miss the Orchid Dinner.
Best regards,
Robert Lowe
Tucson - Feb 6 - 11, 2008 - GJX booth # 205
Connie - it’s OK - If you can’t make it to the show this year - you
can be my guest! This year I will be writing a daily post to my NEW -
"Tucson Gem Show - Live blog at:
I have been adding info to the blog about my experiences at the show
last year along with links for Lodging, Show Schedules, etc. I am
also starting to collect info on “Shows Outside the Show” - there are
some amazing galleries and shows in Tucson during the show.
Check it out - Sign up and get daily updates it will be almost like
being there. If there is anything you can think of that I should add
please let me know!
Robyn Hawk
Wow that sounds great Robyn, I have bookmarked your site, I will
sign up for daily updates. Nice to see you have posted the jade
carving, Debra Wilson is a very talented jade carver and a lovely
person to boot. Its well worth going to see her work, its inspiring
to say the least.
I went to Tucson in 2003 to the Manning House and had such a great
time. Beautiful venue. Nice restaurant for lunch there also.
Christine in the Ridge
to Robert Lowe,
If I had more money, time and energy I would go to Tucson the next
weekend. As it is, I will need the following weekend to catch up
from the weekend we will be flying out and learning dental software.
I work as a dental hygienist Tuesdays through Thursdays. It is
intense work.
I consider myself invited and thank you! I hope you have a very good
to Robyn Hawk,
Yes I am very aware of your blog and lived through it last year! I
re-read it a few weeks ago and noticed you had added more. I hope to
read all about your 2008 experiences!
FYI, you have a large picture of inside a showroom on your website,
and the text you have on top of it shows up as black in my browser,
and is impossible to read. The only way I was able to read it was by
highlighting (selecting) it.
Thank you for posting the results of your hard work! It seems like a
lot to do just to go and see everything, without cataloging
everything as well! But the results of all your work in your blog
are very helpful and inspiring to people like me. Thanks!!
Connie L.
I posted earlier that I had to cancel my Tucson trip. My dentist
employer had booked a trip for the whole office, including me, to
take a continuing education course. I agreed to cancel Tucson and go
with the office.
Well, he canceled the course and trip so my Tucson trip is back on!
We will be staying with my cousins 25 miles away.
I am so glad!
Well, he canceled the course and trip so my Tucson trip is back
on! We will be staying with my cousins 25 miles away.
Yea!!! What a terrible boss to schedule a class during Tucson, glad
he came around!