I am most comfortable just answering questions on orchid, but I know
so many of you I just wanted to brag a little (besides my wife is
making me do this). Today has been a really good day. I went to the
Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. and saw a piece on exhibit
that I built sometime ago. It is a pin that I made for Madaline
Allbright and is part of her collection called “Read my Pins” now on
display at the Smithsonian Castle. An 18k and platinum butterfly
with opal wings.
Hi Tom, Add my congratulations to those of others. What a wonderful
thing to have someone appreciate your work. Now it is in an
important collection at the Smithsonian. That is really great.
Tom, I’m so glad you made your post. I some how feel a great
delight. Good job! Well done! It’s delightful to hear of success.
Letting people know of your recognition is a vehicle of hope and
inspiration to others. Humble modesty is noble and doing something
that everyone can recognize as a exceptional work is elevating for
the individual and observers.