Miland's Synclastic Pliers

Sojourner, I suggest that you try making some ends to add on to
common pliers, made out of Jett Set. You could buy one pair of
Miland’s, to try them out and understand how they work, and then see
if you could make something that would work in a similar manner with
the Jett Set. Of course they would not be as great as Miland’s tools
are (I have one medium size pair), but it might work, and you could
make all sizes that way. Perhaps they could all be made to slip on
and off of just one pair of pliers that you already have. Just a
money-saving thought I had!

For anyone who can afford it, I highly recommend Miland’s tools.
They are superb quality.

no affiliation with either product

M’lou Brubaker, Jeweler
Goodland, MN