Hello All:
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank some of
our vendors who we have been working with, over the five years
Metalwerx has been in business.
Thank you Rio Grande for you support to the school and studiomates
of Metalwerx. You have graciously donated a Neycraft Oven, a
Guilliotine Shear and 16 Bench Hutches. We also thank you for the
opportunity for booth space at Catalog in Motion at the Hilton East
at the Tucson Gem Show for the last two years. Also, thank you for
your generous support of the Orchid Dinner in Tucson.
Thank you Frei and Borel for donating 2 Ottoflex Flex Shafts. Also,
thank you for support of Orchid at the Orchid Dinner in Tucson.
Thank you Linde Gas for donating Saftey Equipment in the form of
saftey masks and 2 fire extinguishers.
Thank you GRS for donating 2 Benchmates and Gravers.
Thank you Allcraft for donating hammers, hand tools, tumblers and much more.
Your participation has helped to create a state-of-the-art
metalsmithing and jewelry school. In the coming months, we will be
creating new workshops and weekly jewelry classes which will utilize
the gifts from our vendors. It has been a pleasure doing business
with all of you, and I hope to see you soon and thank you in person.
Karen Christians
Owner of Metalwerx
50 Guinan St.
Waltham, MA 02451
Ph: 781/891-3854
Fx: 781/891-3857
email: @Karen_Christians