I am intrested in learning how to use a metal lathe to spin
bowls and other vessels. I have access to a spinning lathe but I
have no idea how to use it. I thought I had found someone who
might teach or even refer me to some but when I
asked, her response was “When hell freezes over!”. I don’t
think that avenue has too much promise… If anyone knows
anything about metal spinning lathes and is willing to relay it
to me I would be immensely grateful… Thank you so much…
Ava Yetter
I am intrested in learning how to use a metal lathe to spin
bowls and other vessels. I have access to a spinning lathe but I
have no idea how to use it. I thought I had found someone who
might teach or even refer me to some but when I
asked, her response was “When hell freezes over!”. I don’t
think that avenue has too much promise… If anyone knows
anything about metal spinning lathes and is willing to relay it
to me I would be immensely grateful… Thank you so much…
I guess some people just don’t enjoy teaching. I owe a debt of
gratitude to the people who mentored me, which I continue to
repay. Spinning might be taught in the metalsmithing department
of a local
Rick Hamilton
Hi Ava,
If you’re interested in metal spinning, I suggest you write to
FROSTY@CUSTOMCPU.COM, or join the ArtMetal internet list, where
he is very active. In addition to being a real character, he
grew up in his Dad’s metal spinning shop, and is a metalsmith of
various skills. At the risk of speaking for him, he’d be glad to
answer any questions you have. The opposite response to the one
you have already received. I guess maybe because hell has
already frozen over there… he lives in Anchorage, AK. His
real name is Jerry Frost.
BTW, the ArtMetal list is an internet listgroup (similar to
Orchid), but consists of artistic metalsmiths of all sorts.
Jewelry types, blacksmiths, bladesmiths, sculptors, etc. Lots of
great stuff; much of it is irrelevant (but possibly interesting)
to a jeweler.
If anyone wants more info on ArtMetal, email me and I’ll forward
you the scoop.
See ya,
Dave Sebaste
I am intrested in learning how to use a metal lathe to spin
bowls and other vessels. I have access to a spinning lathe but I
have no idea how to use it. I thought I had found someone who
might teach or even refer me to some but when I
asked, her response was “When hell freezes over!”. I don’t
think that avenue has too much promise… If anyone knows
anything about metal spinning lathes and is willing to relay it
to me I would be immensely grateful… Thank you so much…>Ava Yetter
Hi Ava,
There is not too much on it. The Artmetal list had a long
discussion on spinning last year, it may be in the archives or if
you post on that forum (see the Artmetal site to join up) someonw
will have archived it and can give you the
You will need a strong lathe, a metal lathe or certain wood
lathes can be used, bery long burnishing tools (3 feet or so) and
a special tool rest that is basically two strong round posts on a
crossbar. Their positions should be adjustable. Lindsay
publications has books on it. Their address is:
Lindsay publications
PO Box 538, Bradley, IL, 60915-0538
Brain Press
Box 1624, Ste M, Calgary,
Alberta, T2P 2L7, Canada
Tel: 403-263-3955 Fax: 403-283-9053
Email: @Charles_Lewton-Brain
Metals info download web site: Learning Center - Ganoksin Jewelry Making Community
Product descriptions: http://www.ganoksin.com/kosana/brain/brain.htm
Links list hosted at the Metal Web News:
There is a decent chapter on spinning in the book “Metal
Techniques for Craftsmen” by Oppi Untracht. It’s published by
Doubleday & Company.