Metal Kitchen and Revere Academy


I forwarded your email to Whitney. I am sure she will anwser
your email soon.

I personally am SOOOO happy Metal Kitchen is open. The classes
are taught by experts in the field. The classes remind me of the
Master classes I have taken at the Revere Academy.

Metal Kitchen does not have a regular school program like Revere
(where you can earn points towards “graduating”) but they get
great teachers like Jean Stark, and orchid’s own Doug Zaruba.
For me another exciting part about the school, is that the
school is run by and mostly attended by women.

I am not putting down the men but for me it is refreshing to
find lots of technically proficient creative women. This school
does not cater to the arts and craft type people who take a
class here and there as a hobby (but they do offer intro to metal
classes) It is my impression that the school is geared towards
teaching professionals, professional skills like the Revere

Now Alan, if you an Whitney could work out a costal exchange
program with your schools I would be in heaven! Until then I
will still haul my butt out to San Fran occasionally for classes
at Revere.


DeDe, Thanks for the kind words about our programs. I too have
heard good things about the Metal Kitchen. FYI, as it turns out,
the Revere Academy has 3 women and one man (me) on permanent
staff and these days the women far out number men in class.

And as far as “hauling your butt out to San Francisco,” you make
it sound like we are in an ugly down-and-out industrial
wasteland. In reality, there are worse places to find yourself
spending a few days, other than this beautiful city by the bay.
Wait til you see our next Masters Symposium lineup (April-May
2000)! We look forward to seeing you then, if not sooner.

Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts
760 Market Street . Suite 900
San Francisco . California . 94960 . USA
tel: 415 . 391 . 4179
fax: 415 . 391 . 7570
web site: www.