Master jeweler employment in brazil


Folowing the subject of master jeweler,I need an well qualified jeweler to
work in our jewelry manufacturing company in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Our work is concentrated in hand made comtemporary jewelry made of 18k gold
with diamonds.

We appreciate those with high skills and who know a number of new and old
techniques,as our goal is always to propose inovation to our customers.

Belo Horizonte is the third biggest Brazilian city with 2 million
inhabitants, and considered in one international survey one of the 3 best
cities to live in South America.

The average wages of our jewelers is between US$1500, to US$2000, .

Please,contact me

Ricardo Bronfen
Vice President of Vancox

tel. + 55 (31) 225-0650
fax + 55 (31) 221-0200

At 09:11 AM 10/9/96 -0300, you wrote:


Folowing the subject of master jeweler,I need an well qualified jeweler to
work in our jewelry manufacturing company in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Our work is concentrated in hand made comtemporary jewelry made of 18k gold
with diamonds.

We appreciate those with high skills and who know a number of new and old
techniques,as our goal is always to propose inovation to our customers.

Belo Horizonte is the third biggest Brazilian city with 2 million
inhabitants, and considered in one international survey one of the 3 best
cities to live in South America.

The average wages of our jewelers is between US$1500, to US$2000, .

Please,contact me

Ricardo Bronfen
Vice President of Vancox
tel. + 55 (31) 225-0650
fax + 55 (31) 221-0200

Agora Eu esta Govenador Valadares.Ultimo semana visitar Belo.Voce correto
Belo Horizonte e muito bonita cidade,e chic tambem.Pois melhor Rio de Janiero
ou Sao Paulo,porque so pouco ladrao,e tudo novo.Depois Eu fala essa coisa
para tudo grupo.Salario voce oferta muita bem para moura Brasil.Eu tem triste
Eu so a Lapidario com muito anos para escola novo.Porque noa aceitar um
velho Lapidario junta?
To the List:This gentleman is offering a wonderful opportunity.Belo
Horizonte is
a very lovely and modern city.And the salary he offers is very generous.One
could lead quite a nice life there.I’ve been living off and on in Brazil for
12 years.And this sounded so attractive,I’ve asked him why can’t he use an old
stonecutter too!

                                     Mark Liccini
                                Gemstone Rough Dealers since 1970
                                  E-Mail: @Mark_Liccini1
                                  Voice Mail/Fax: 201-795-1115
                                  Mail             Mail Drop
                              224 7th St#2B    72 Van Reipen Ave#166
                        Jersey City,N.J.07302  Jersey City,N.J.07306

Mark Liccini wrote:

At 09:11 AM 10/9/96 -0300, you wrote:


Folowing the subject of master jeweler,I need an well qualified jeweler to
work in our jewelry manufacturing company in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Our work is concentrated in hand made comtemporary jewelry made of 18k gold
with diamonds.

We appreciate those with high skills and who know a number of new and old
techniques,as our goal is always to propose inovation to our customers.

Belo Horizonte is the third biggest Brazilian city with 2 million
inhabitants, and considered in one international survey one of the 3 best
cities to live in South America.

The average wages of our jewelers is between US$1500, to US$2000, .

Please,contact me

Ricardo Bronfen
Vice President of Vancox
tel. + 55 (31) 225-0650
fax + 55 (31) 221-0200
do you want a slave or a professional>. slaves are worth 24000.00pryr.
.professionals are worth aboout 80-98000.oo pr.yr. Your american pal,

do you want a slave or a professional>. slaves are worth 24000.00pryr.
.professionals are worth aboout 80-98000.oo pr.yr. Your american pal,

$80K to $90K a year??? Gee, I’m worth that much :), but no one will pay
those kind of wages here in the good ol’ U.S. of A. What are you talking
about Mike? I’d gladly quit my own business for that kind of a wage!

Handmade 18K and platinum gemstone jewelry. Fine die
and mold engraving. Diamond setting. Class rings/pins.
25 years experience in the jewelry trade. 515-472-9830

Jeffrey Everett wrote:

do you want a slave or a professional>. slaves are worth 24000.00pryr.
.professionals are worth aboout 80-98000.oo pr.yr. Your american pal,

$80K to $90K a year??? Gee, I’m worth that much :), but no one will pay
those kind of wages here in the good ol’ U.S. of A. What are you talking
about Mike? I’d gladly quit my own business for that kind of a wage!

O.K. $50.00 pr. hour is standard for a good carver (wax), everybody pays
that much. Unless you settle for less.Even Korea and Asia charge that
much for model work. Now if your are working for someone else, you will
probobly get paid about $20.00 pr. hr. thats just about enough to eek
out an existance in this world, unfortuanatly. My models (designs) sell
very well to the general public, generating good money for the
manufacturer. The average master model sells for $200-$1000(I speak from
experience) If you sell for less than that, you are contributing to the
prostitution of the self employed. Believe me, what goes around comes

you are contributing to the
prostitution of the self employed.

Lets see! I’m self employed ! I am a prostitute! Oh well…Guess people
have been talking about me again…
I have Sold waxes for as low as $10.00 per hour ( or less ) Because I
quoted the price and chose to spend more time on detail. … Idealy
everyone would like to work for $50.00 per hour (or More ) But at $20.00
You are right , you can live., Guess you don’t live in Albany, N.Y. A
qualified Bench repair person ( someone who can do wax carving, diamond
setting, etc…) as best I am able to tell, working for a local jewelry
store is averaging less than $15.00 per hour… That is why I work for
myself, I get to spend more time working , get paid less but have no one
to awnser to.
Find someone to pay me $50.00 per hour and I become a employee…
The first time in 26 years.
(of corse I get to sell a corored stone or diamond from time to time and
Bring my average wage up a bit
Best wishes

M.G wrote:

Jeffrey Everett wrote:

do you want a slave or a professional>. slaves are worth 24000.00pryr.
.professionals are worth aboout 80-98000.oo pr.yr. Your american pal,

$80K to $90K a year??? Gee, I’m worth that much :), but no one will pay
those kind of wages here in the good ol’ U.S. of A. What are you talking
about Mike? I’d gladly quit my own business for that kind of a wage!

O.K. $50.00 pr. hour is standard for a good carver (wax), everybody pays
that much. Unless you settle for less.Even Korea and Asia charge that
much for model work. Now if your are working for someone else, you will
probobly get paid about $20.00 pr. hr. thats just about enough to eek
out an existance in this world, unfortuanatly. My models (designs) sell
very well to the general public, generating good money for the
manufacturer. The average master model sells for $200-$1000(I speak from
experience) If you sell for less than that, you are contributing to the
prostitution of the self employed. Believe me, what goes around comes

G.B.A. Ltd.
Gemstone Brockerage Associates Ltd. Telephone (518)
P.O. Box 8930
Albany, New York 12208

Email adresses



M.G wrote:

The average master model sells for $200-$1000(I speak from

experience) If you sell for less than that, you are contributing to the
prostitution of the self employed. Believe me, what goes around comes

Glad you put this in something akin to it’s proper perspective.Most of
us from time to time have difficulty with what to charge and what a
specific tasks going rate is etc…I sometimes fabricate in sterling
and then make a mold and waxes and seldom will I sell the item to
another shop with permission to reproduce it…I usually charge an hourly
rate and add whatever I feel is fair for the design work and I treat wax
carving in the same manner.I trademark my work(stamp my name on it)and
have not found too many unauthorized reproductions although I have lost
a couple of items to design pirates.More often than not I work with a
customer for production of one of a kind objects not for reproduction
and I do have a difficult time figuring the design value on such
things…My rule of thumb is to charge a sum that the buyer or market can
support. I love the work the money is secondary…Gavin

cj wrote:

you are contributing to the
prostitution of the self employed.

Lets see! I’m self employed ! I am a prostitute! Oh well…Guess people
have been talking about me again…
I have Sold waxes for as low as $10.00 per hour ( or less ) Because I
quoted the price and chose to spend more time on detail. … Idealy
everyone would like to work for $50.00 per hour (or More ) But at $20.00
You are right , you can live., Guess you don’t live in Albany, N.Y. A
qualified Bench repair person ( someone who can do wax carving, diamond
setting, etc…) as best I am able to tell, working for a local jewelry
store is averaging less than $15.00 per hour… That is why I work for
myself, I get to spend more time working , get paid less but have no one
to awnser to.
Find someone to pay me $50.00 per hour and I become a employee…
The first time in 26 years.
(of corse I get to sell a corored stone or diamond from time to time and
Bring my average wage up a bit
Best wishes

M.G wrote:

Jeffrey Everett wrote:

do you want a slave or a professional>. slaves are worth 24000.00pryr.
.professionals are worth aboout 80-98000.oo pr.yr. Your american pal,

$80K to $90K a year??? Gee, I’m worth that much :), but no one will pay
those kind of wages here in the good ol’ U.S. of A. What are you talking
about Mike? I’d gladly quit my own business for that kind of a wage!

O.K. $50.00 pr. hour is standard for a good carver (wax), everybody pays
that much. Unless you settle for less.Even Korea and Asia charge that
much for model work. Now if your are working for someone else, you will
probobly get paid about $20.00 pr. hr. thats just about enough to eek
out an existance in this world, unfortuanatly. My models (designs) sell
very well to the general public, generating good money for the
manufacturer. The average master model sells for $200-$1000(I speak from
experience) If you sell for less than that, you are contributing to the
prostitution of the self employed. Believe me, what goes around comes

G.B.A. Ltd.
Gemstone Brockerage Associates Ltd. Telephone (518)
P.O. Box 8930
Albany, New York 12208

Email adresses



You “white men” and your darned money.Always money,more money more
land more of that or more of this…The Indian in me doesn’t understand
and I never seem to get used to you guys and this money thing.
I have worked hours and given the item away and I get a sense of
meaningfulness to my work from it that money can’t ever convey.I hope I
don’t offend anyone and certainly if you want big money go for it but it
won’t bring you happiness or satisfaction with your work or peace of
mind say what you will.I see all this talk of fancy/expensive tools and
wonder if maybe some people don’t loose sight of the importance of
developing necessary skills using minimal tools.The tools don’t give a
voice or beauty to an item you and I do…G.Chando

You “white men” and your darned money.Always money,more money more
land more of that or more of this…The Indian in me doesn’t understand

developing necessary skills using minimal tools.The tools don’t give a
voice or beauty to an item you and I do…G.Chando

Gavin: I have to agree with you, I do like tools, though :slight_smile:
I don’t stand anywhere near most of you in your mastery of skills and
don’t even have access around here to instructors to learn things such as
stone setting. I don’t rely on jewelry making to make my living (yet), but
I will tell you if I make a piece thinking how much money its going to
bring me then I usually turn out a piece of crap. All my stuff is unusual
one of a kind pieces that end up really “speaking” to the person who takes
posession of it. Its taken me awhile to have the guts to put higher prices
on my work and realize I need to be compensated for putting way too much
time into a piece of work. To me, jewelry making is more of a sacred art,
you enhance the beauty of metals and minerals from the earth and you make
the person wearing it feel a special way and enhance their beauty. If I had
to take a job selling stamped out impersonal gold jewelry from a store in a
mall I would quit this interest tomorrow. I’m kind of in the middle right
now wondering whether to try and make jewlery making a full time career if
I can swing it, but then I wonder if I would end up hating it and if the
joy would go away. But then I’m a graphic designer and you can’t be more
of an art prostitute than that. I don’t think I’d ever get rich making
jewelry but would rather be in a more honorable art making the same money I
am now than kissing every client’s butt like I do and turn out crap
graphics for most of them because they have bad taste and don’t know jack
about advertising. In jewelry making, you make a piece of art and the
person its intended for shows up and compensates you for a product of your
mind. I don’t think its real cool to be slamming someone who posted that ad
for a job in Brazil. Maybe for those wages you could live like a king in a
better environement than places here. OK, two cents from …Dave

Art Jewelry for Conscious People

You “white men” and your darned money.Always money,more money more
land more of that or more of this…The Indian in me doesn’t understand
and I never seem to get used to you guys and this money thing.
I have worked hours and given the item away and I get a sense of
meaningfulness to my work from it that money can’t ever convey.I hope I
don’t offend anyone and certainly if you want big money go for it but it
won’t bring you happiness or satisfaction with your work or peace of
mind say what you will.I see all this talk of fancy/expensive tools and
wonder if maybe some people don’t loose sight of the importance of
developing necessary skills using minimal tools.The tools don’t give a
voice or beauty to an item you and I do…G.Chando

Even though I have some of the fancy tools, I echo your opinion.
Probably 90 percent of my work is the making of jyotish rings and
pendants, which I totally do by hand. Some time ago I realized that the
energy put into a handmade piece was reflected in the feeling of the

By the way, I’ve seen a bit of high quality Indian jewelry. I’m
astounded at the extreme level of craftsmanship. I can’t think of a
jeweler in the U.S. that has developed that level of skill. I have
personally tried to emulate it by copying some of the design elements,
fusing 22k fine twisted wire into patterns, setting up many small
elements using wax and plaster and fusing them…

Thanks for your Input G. Chando, I appreciate it.

Jeffrey Everett

Handmade 18K and platinum gemstone jewelry. Fine die
and mold engraving. Diamond setting. Class rings/pins.
25 years experience in the jewelry trade. 515-472-9830

Dave Stephens wrote:

You “white men” and your darned money.Always money,more money more
land more of that or more of this…The Indian in me doesn’t understand

developing necessary skills using minimal tools.The tools don’t give a
voice or beauty to an item you and I do…G.Chando

Gavin: I have to agree with you, I do like tools, though :slight_smile:
I don’t stand anywhere near most of you in your mastery of skills and
don’t even have access around here to instructors to learn things

  • Dude,To me,tools are an important function in the exploration of the unmade.Try doing anticlastic without the proper tools.or sinking and or raising a piece of reposse` without the proper tools;can’t be done.To express yourself as a metalsmith artist you are going to need the proper tools to facilitate. Why spend 10 hours fabricating a piece when with the proper tools you can do the same job in 2 hours (I may be exaggerating abit here, but then isn’t that part if the human expression)leaving you with 8 hours to create something else you do see what I’m getting at here. And about prostituting yourself, I guess we all do that. Did you know that in the trade business people are charging pretty much the same for the last 15 years? Not that inflation doesn’t effect the trade shop, but that there is always a starving hacker that will do the job for less. The stores they are doing the jobs for are usually cong!
    lomerate multi store corporations that will change trade shops in a heartbeat, for .25 cents less an a sizing job. These people have one loyalty, and that is to the American dollar. So Either they play the game or get out and do artsy fartsy craft show shit. And have a nagging wife that needs more money ALL the time. The bottom line is , I agree with my native american brother about the need for bigger better hotter being a funky little carousel you find yourself unable to jump off of because it is going way to fast. Develop your own inner talents, and experience the joy of creating a magnificent work of inner art expressed in noble metals, or pen and inks or acrilic paints or oil paints or sculpting or whatever gets your rocks off,the point is you need the tools to fit the art,not the art to fit the tools. I say all this with respect to my elders and to the needs of my brothers and sisters. May the spirits of love and creation guide your heart always my friend. M. Gilger

Hey you guys/gals make me really happy in knowing other people are out
there that do understand.Again I am not judging others here just trying
to discuss this money thing and wondering how or if it sometimes gets in
the way of creativity and is a negative aspect regarding jewelry making
and sales.
I sort of like to make things that everyone can afford and I try not
cater to the high-dollar type of customer.I don’t think high quality is
relative to cost necessarily.I also notice that the time involved in
making a quality item is often less than that required to make low
quality items…G

But that was DESIGN as well as MODELING!



At 07:44 AM 10/12/96 -0500, you wrote:

Not qualified today… but $$1500.00/2000.00 a what?? . . I assume a week?

And taxes???


At 10:40 AM 10/11/96 -0400, you wrote:

Well Nonsense! I’ve give away more than I have ever sold, matter of fact, I
give away about 85 per-cent of my silver… I think it looks pretty good!..
But I don’t make my living from it, … and I didn’t(haven’t) spent
20/30 years learning this profession , and I don’ have to put up with the
public’s nonsense, etc.,etc, etc.

I feel someone should say it . . I appreciate the talent, knowledge, study

Now, you wanta ‘buy me’ as a sofware consultant…? Dig Deep, an I’ll
assure you I will not ‘blink’ when I quote you a price( And it would be
$50.00/hr. either!) I’ve spent 30 years learning, studying, and still am,
every day!.. What to discuss Medical Doctors, Lawyers, News Casters
salary, … what they pull down!, how much they have to continue to study?
How much of a doctors education is paid for by US?? . . .who said making
money, improving ones standard of living is wrong??? … not in this USA . .

Were does it say that artistic talent should be cheap to the general
public!!.. Oh, guess it has been that way for years! . . Nonsense.

My mother was a graduate artist … never could afford to do what she loved,
to offer her talent to the world!.. I wasn’t allowed because of this. My
daugher is a graduate, Fine Arts Major, but with difference required by ‘Old
DAD’… Gaphic Design Minor … She’s talented, works for herself, … See
if she blinks with an offer!!!

You have any idea what it cost to provide education for a graduate Art major
in a college today?? . . .

Then tell me about money, money, etc, BLAH,BLAH!!


At 10:05 PM 10/12/96 -0500, you wrote:

cj wrote:

you are contributing to the
prostitution of the self employed.

Lets see! I’m self employed ! I am a prostitute! Oh well…Guess people
have been talking about me again…
I have Sold waxes for as low as $10.00 per hour ( or less ) Because I
quoted the price and chose to spend more time on detail. … Idealy
everyone would like to work for $50.00 per hour (or More ) But at $20.00
You are right , you can live., Guess you don’t live in Albany, N.Y. A
qualified Bench repair person ( someone who can do wax carving, diamond
setting, etc…) as best I am able to tell, working for a local jewelry
store is averaging less than $15.00 per hour… That is why I work for
myself, I get to spend more time working , get paid less but have no one
to awnser to.
Find someone to pay me $50.00 per hour and I become a employee…
The first time in 26 years.
(of corse I get to sell a corored stone or diamond from time to time and
Bring my average wage up a bit
Best wishes

M.G wrote:

Jeffrey Everett wrote:

do you want a slave or a professional>. slaves are worth 24000.00pryr.
.professionals are worth aboout 80-98000.oo pr.yr. Your american pal,

$80K to $90K a year??? Gee, I’m worth that much :), but no one will pay
those kind of wages here in the good ol’ U.S. of A. What are you talking
about Mike? I’d gladly quit my own business for that kind of a wage!

O.K. $50.00 pr. hour is standard for a good carver (wax), everybody pays
that much. Unless you settle for less.Even Korea and Asia charge that
much for model work. Now if your are working for someone else, you will
probobly get paid about $20.00 pr. hr. thats just about enough to eek
out an existance in this world, unfortuanatly. My models (designs) sell
very well to the general public, generating good money for the
manufacturer. The average master model sells for $200-$1000(I speak from
experience) If you sell for less than that, you are contributing to the
prostitution of the self employed. Believe me, what goes around comes


G.B.A. Ltd.
Gemstone Brockerage Associates Ltd. Telephone (518)
P.O. Box 8930
Albany, New York 12208

Email adresses




Jim Chambers wrote:
Something about money and improving a “STANDARD OF LIVING”. Careful,the
stress that seemed to come through is not conducive to longevity…
We seem to be always concerned with the status quo I think is what I
was trying to say.Actually most of us could do with alot less money and
we would probably live longer as a result of the reduction in our
incomes/stress.As for the cost of a college education the only one who
truly places a value on a sheepskin is a sheep.If you know how to read a
book and comprehend what you read then to heck with being ignorant and
some see education as a road to more money and why?..More money and
self-improvement are entirely different things and certainly not equal
to one another.As for what a work of art costs?It is not relevant to the
work of art. …Gavin

At 17:25 13/10/96 -0400, you wrote:

Not qualified today… but $$1500.00/2000.00 a what?? . . I assume a week?

And taxes???


The above wages is per month.

Perhaps the title of Master Jeweler is over estimated for my needs,after all
my proposal begun with a discussion of how to be considered a Master Jeweler.

Ricardo Bronfen

Gavin wrote:


You “white men” and your darned money.Always money,more money more
land more of that or more of this…The Indian in me doesn’t understand
and I never seem to get used to you guys and this money thing.
I have worked hours and given the item away and I get a sense of
meaningfulness to my work from it that money can’t ever convey.I hope I
don’t offend anyone and certainly if you want big money go for it but it
won’t bring you happiness or satisfaction with your work or peace of
mind say what you will.I see all this talk of fancy/expensive tools and
wonder if maybe some people don’t loose sight of the importance of
developing necessary skills using minimal tools.The tools don’t give a
voice or beauty to an item you and I do…G.Chando


I used to live in New Mexico and one thing that impressed me was the hand
made tools that were made by the Native American silversmiths there. These
tools were not only stamping tools but steel repoussing dies that had male
and female components. The amazing thing is the way in which these
sophisticated tools were made. I hope to try making some of these tools
someday to demonstrate the effectiveness of somewhat primitive tooling
(primitive compared to modern die making).

My point is that even early Native Americans silversmiths needed tooling
and they themselves were very innovative and skilled at producing the
tooling that they used. Making tools and dies is an art in itself and if
done properly impart the original vision of the artist.

Today American jewelers are forced to work smarter as the market is flooded
more and more with jewelry produced with inexpensive hand labor in third
world countries. I cannot work for $1 or $2 dollars an hour nor can I
compete in such a market without using tooling. I also cannot hire
employees for $1 or $2 per hour.

These days it takes an obscene amount of money just to pay the bills. Like
most small businesses we are insurance poor. The use of machines and
tooling helps me in the production of our jewelry products and this in turn
gives me more time to practice the “art of jewelry making.”

I agree with you that we all need to have experience making jewelry with
simple tools, but what then. Years ago I worked with a charcoal block, an
alcohol lamp, a blowpipe, files, etc.on the coffee table no less. I even
polished with polishing sticks. There was one small problem. I did not get
to eat sometimes, let
alone have health insurance.

I was a musician before I developed our jewelry business (you think
have it tough). For more than ten years I tried to live without money
(literally). It just doesn’t work (at least not when you are “married with

The least expensive tools are the ones that work to do the job. Cost is a
relative term.

Just my $.02 and thanks for your point of view.

Kenneth Gastineau

Kenneth Gastineau wrote:

about starving artists
I think you guys had the wrong drift on what I wrote about the
money and it is the writers fault(mine)…What I was trying to say is the
financial aspects involved in the selling of a work should not dictate
to the artist what the final outcome is.There remains the argument or
difference of opinions on whether jewelry making should be called a
craft and not art but it is an artform and has been for thousands of
years.Unless one is an engraver for the mint ar and money are not a pair
of twins…and need not go hand in hand.
I sympathize with the mucic phase of your life and I was a newpaper
reporter covering the police for a few hungry years after college before
I started doing jewelry.Everyone hates hungry police reporters take it
from me I have been there myself.For about two years after that I was
more or less a street person and have been on the low end of the food
chain quite a bit…Once you are down there for awhile and then recover
your self esteem or whatever allows you to pick yourself up it is not
such a big deal.
I have no children and have been single for over 15 years I am free to
be lonely sometimes but also I do have leeway regarding income.Being
single is a lousy place tax wise and if I earn alot most of it over a
certain point just goes to the government so I just don’t earn it…I am
not sure if this is tax evasion or not but don’t think so…It is
earnings/income evasion and comes under the pursuit of happiness thing I
think, I also have never been on welfare or taken government money. It
smells too much like a bribe to some instincts of mine. I am a
capitalist(usually republican voter) not a communist/socialist or
liberal or democrat most elections anyway.Look ma a republican that
doesn’t care for the relentless pursuit of more money how


Folowing the subject of master jeweler,I need an well qualified jeweler to
work in our jewelry manufacturing company in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Our work is concentrated in hand made comtemporary jewelry made of 18k gold
with diamonds.

We appreciate those with high skills and who know a number of new and old
techniques,as our goal is always to propose inovation to our customers.

Belo Horizonte is the third biggest Brazilian city with 2 million
inhabitants, and considered in one international survey one of the 3 best
cities to live in South America.

The average wages of our jewelers is between US$1500, to US$2000, .

Please,contact me

Ricardo Bronfen
Vice President of Vancox

do you want a slave or a professional>. slaves are worth 24000.00pryr.
.professionals are worth aboout 80-98000.oo pr.yr. Your american pal,

I just got home from Brazil,and had to reply to this.Even though,prices have
gone up in Brazil 3 times since they stopped inflation with the new money the
“Real” it is still consideraby lower cost to live there.$2,000 a month you
could live like king.A really nice apartment can be $300-400/month,If you go
a little out of the city,even $200 is possible for a grand house.When you
evaluate the salary,you have to consider it is in Brazil,not New York.The
minimum wage now in Brazil is $150 more or less per month.The monies this
fellow offers is very good for there.You could live like the $98,000 here if
you are prudent.

                                            Mark Liccini.
                                Gemstone Rough Dealers since 1970
                                  E-Mail: @Mark_Liccini1
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