Making of silver solder

Hi all

I would like to know if anyone has a formula for making Silver
solders. Hard, medium and easy. I will appreciate any help I can get.

Thank you.
Neil van der Linden


Hard Ag solder: 15 gm .999 silver and 6 gm brass

Medium: 15 gm .999 Ag and 7.5 gm brass

Easy: 5.6gm .99 silver and 2.2 gm copper and 2.2 gm zinc

(use zinc oxide if you want paste and grind the metals to powder or
make filings. the zinc oxide paste can be measured in grams too- just
use a kitchen or digital scale and add an extre 1 gm to account for
the vehicle) Hope this is what you were after…


Hard Ag solder: 15 gm.999 silver and 6 gm brass Medium: 15 gm.999
Ag and 7.5 gm brass 


I too learned such ‘formulas’ long ago. Sort of useful at midnight
when you just ran out of solder :slight_smile: But considering that there are
100’s of metals claiming to be brass you have NO control over your
solder alloy.

Your formulas also give really low grade solders, there are real
hallmarking concerns.

Demand Designs
Analog/Digital Modelling & Goldsmithing

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I have been concerned over just the same hallmarking concerns. I have been told such concerns are mostly unfounded, that solder is simply a tiny weight of the overall article. I do however not know of any other option. The hardest solder I have seen is 80% silver but most are around 60-70% silver. What would you suggest instead? Is there such a thing as plumb silver solder?

Sincerely, A concerned metalsmith

Anyone have a ratio that’s more accurate? Brass isn’t a good ingredient as it’s more than one alloy. I need to make medium. 70:20:10 (Ag, Cu, Zn) sound correct?

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