Making graver for areas?


I actually have plenty of thick leather scraps from a neighbor who
makes belts. How should I construct the shield? Just a roll to cover
left hand andwrist?

Also, to minimize danger and to increase steadiness I would rather
hold my graver in a two handed sword grip, rather than use my
dominant hand. Have you ever seen done ever the use of two hands to
push graver?

Andrew Jonathan Fine

I actually have plenty of thick leather scraps from a neighbor who
makes belts. How should I construct the shield? Just a roll to
cover left hand and wrist? 

Think if it like a leather glove with everything cut off except part
that covers your thumb, forefinger, and space between them.

Also, to minimize danger and to increase steadiness I would rather
hold my graver in a two handed sword grip, rather than use my
dominant hand. Have you ever seen done ever the use of two hands
to push graver? 

I have never seen two-handed use of graver.

Leonid Surpin