Re: Optivisors… I have used the Number 4 Optivisor for well over (25+) years now and it’s still is doing a great job for me, though I am getting to the point of where I need more Magnification for anything much smaller than a .10 Diamond (Approximately 3mm). I’m (56) now and every year my eyesight gets just a little worse, that being said, I still haven’t been prescribed Glasses, though I am getting to the point of where they would be helpful…
When talking about Optivisors and Magnification I like to give an example of how my eyesight has changed since I started out as an Apprentice - After a year or so of being an Apprentice and having looked at probably a few thousand Diamonds, many of them while I mounted them, I could look at a .005 Diamond (Approximately 1mm) and I could count the Facets on it with my naked eye. Another (10) years as a Bench Jeweller, I could still do this, though only as long as I was wearing my Number 4 Optivisor. Another (5) years in, I could see that the .005 Diamond was a “Diamond” with my Optivisor, but unless I used a Loupe, I couldn’t count the Facets. Another (5) years in, I could see the .005 Diamond as something “sparkly” with my Optivisor, but that was it, a Loupe allowed me to see it better, but I could no longer count the Facets anymore. Another (5) years in and I could still see the .005 Diamond as something “sparkly” with my Optivisor, though only barely, and the same with a Loupe, though a little clearer. Now, another (5+) years in, my eyesight is pretty much where it was (5) years ago, though I very rarely work with .005 Diamonds anymore, so I would imagine that I would have more difficulty in dealing with them today, without a Microscope.
Like Rob said, Optivisors do take a little getting used to, but once you do, you’ll probably never want to take them off - they have been the number 1 Jeweller’s Magnifying Head Gear for many years now, for a reason. I will probably still be using mine in another (10-15+) years, though I imagine that I’ll also be wearing glasses with them…
Just a funny: when I’m out and about antiquing or even just looking at something small or very detailed, I will almost always reach my hand up to Tilt my Optivisor Down so I can see it better, even though I know that I’m not wearing it… (shaking my head) Unfortunately, I do this ALL the time and I’m sure that I’m not the only one on here that does this either…
Lastly, like Rob and Brennan, I also use my Optivisor for Soldering, Fusing and Annealing, though for anything hotter, you really should use Rated Welding Glasses or Goggles. I would never use a Microscope for any of these processes, as you would probably end up seriously hurting your eyesight, due to the Magnification.
I hope that some of this may help. Good luck!