I have a customer who is looking for a 3.5 mm wide herringbone that
is that is at least a half a millimeter thick and 18 inches long. The
only ones I can find are perhaps one quarter of a millimeter
thick. They are just too light and and flimsy for a man. The one he
has had was in 18 karat and is broken; but he wants the same style.
He is willing to accept 14 karat if I can find a thicker one.
HELP, HELP, HELP! Does anyone know where to find this
However I should warn you that herringbone chains are notorious for
failure. That’s why not so many folks carry them much any more. They
kink so easily and once they do that it’s pretty much all over. If
you can try to sell him another style.
I took a broken herringbone chain and soldered a design element
between the two broken ends. Have to go in hot and fast. Still ended
up with a frozen link or two, but it turned out pretty well and
certainly better than the alternative.