I recently moved from California to Toronto Canada. In California I
used Rio Grande for my jewelry silversmithing supplies. For my on
going needs in Toronto, I need to find a Canadian supplier, because
the cross border issue makes an American supplier cost prohibitive.
All input is greatly appreciated.
Hi Nancy;
You can use H and W Perrin in Toronto, Gesswein has a Canadian
outlet in Toronto and also Stuller has a Canadian outlet in Toronto.
Take care, Paul LeMay.
The two that I use the most are…
Stuller - 55 Queen Street East - 416 955 0707
Lacy’s - 55 Queen Street East - 416 365 1375
It is incredibly convenient to have these two large suppliers in the
same building!
A few blocks away is Transcontinental - 21 Dundas Square There are
A few blocks away is Transcontinental - 21 Dundas Square There are
I once lived in Toronto and bought tools and stuff. Transcontinental
was always my first choice. No fancy showroom but they know what they
sell. It has been years but they still might remember me.
Demand Designs
Analog/Digital Modelling & Goldsmithing
Hi Nancy
Stuller and Gesswein are in Toronto. Both great companies.
Welcome and all the best.