Looking for good pictures for piercing work

I am looking for nice pictures for piercing work. I don’t want anything that has a owner, just items for my people (I have a small group who works on things and that I help) need to have sawing practice! Does anyone want to share some nice patterns, not to complicated, but not to simple either? I hope so. My email is laura@laurabrito.com. I appreciate any help. Thank you so much ahead of time! Looking forward to finding some. I have searched online and it comes up with “piercings” like in holes in peoples faces and things I don’t want to mention! haha


I found great ideas for piercing in a couple of Dover Publication books.
They even come with a CD so you can re-size any of the art work before printing.

I actually got the idea from Alan Revere - his 1st project on his CD’s was a Japanese Crests & I wanted to make one - but not exactly like his .

Japanese Crests

Matsuya Japanese Crest Designs

Hope this helps,


Here’s one from a spoon. SD


Dover Clip Art is a great resource for copyright free black and white images.

I would recommend Dover Publications Design Library:

  The books are inexpensive, an full of simple line drawings that you can easily convert into piercing designs.

Old fashioned paper doyleys are an inexpensive choice…you can cut them to shape, simplify them and glue them to the metal. You can easily have repeats as well.


Google “royalty free” line art for a myriad of designs and think about parallels in other craft areas… Go to any woodcraft store and look into SCROLL SAW designs… If you have any students that cannot use a Jewelers saw then look into them using a scroll saw- just go slooooow, use lots of wax and provide a lot of light!
Hope it helps

My daughter is opening a business and needed a beautiful logo that incorporated a stylized lotus or peacock. She found the best designs were tattoos, some elaborate and many that were simple lines. There were many thousands of ideas available online by searching first for tattoos and then narrowing those by various categories.

Ah yes! Good idea, I appreciate the help. Thank you so much, btw nice to meet you as well.



Hi Laura. I love doing piercing and have a collection of ideas that I post on my Pinterest account. You are welcome to look through those for ideas. Access my Pinterest account at helenedaniels and look for the board called Jewelry-Piercing.


Thanks! I checked out your collection and there are lots of good ideas there!