[Looking for] Gold wire

Hello all, I have several customers that want wire wrap rings so I am
on the hunt for 14-18/kt wire. I realize I can go to Rio or Tripps,
but I was wondering if anyone had another company to
reccommend. Larry

Hello Larry! Hoover & Strong!!! They are a wonderful source for wire,
flat stock, refining, etc. Great quality!!! Good Luck, Karen Stamp

    Hello all, I have several customers that want wire wrap rings
so I am on the hunt for 14-18/kt wire. I realize I can go to Rio or
Tripps, but I was wondering if anyone had another company to

Hi Larry, I buy quite a bit of my gold wire from T.B. Hagstoz in
Philadelphia. I find them easy to work with and the quality of the
material is good. Will have most any size you could want.


Hi Larry, Here’s some other sources to try: www.eloxite.net/;
www.metalliferious.com/; www.wire-sculpture.com/:
www.firemountaingems.com/: if for some reason you 14kt gold fill or
silver fill you miight try www.wigjig.com/. Hope this helps.
Just a passer by.