Looking for Diamond Pacific "Genie"

Hi Folks,

By any chance does anyone have a used Diamond Pacific Genie grinder
they are interested in parting with? I know it’s a long-shot, but
thought I’d check before considering buying a new one. Any leads would
be greatly appreciated! I’ve been asked to do a gem cutting demo, but
my 8 inch expanding drum setup is not portable. The Genie would also
be more efficient when cutting a single stone, rather than having to
change belts all the time. The expanding drum setup is great for
production-style cutting, which I haven’t had time for in ages.

Thanks in advance,

Dave Sebaste
Sebaste Studio and
Carolina Artisans’ Gallery
Charlotte, NC (USA)

David: Try http://www.rockhounds.com

Classifieds Equipment section, I think there were 2 in there, not
sure if they are still available.

Albert Zabinski
USA Club Listing

Dave, if you want a portable machine, why not go with the pixie.
Same machine as the Genie but smaller and cheaper, and a lot easier
to carry. The Genie is heavy… I have been using the Genie for
about eight years now. Couldn’t do without it. As I do a lot of opal
cutting, I have been thinking of replacing a couple of the wheels
with spacer to give me a little more “around the edge” clearance as I
don’t use the very corse and the 14K wheels.


Try http://www.rockhounds.com 

I already thanked Albert for this offline… but wanted to let
everyone know this is a great link! I found the classified ads under
(well under) Bob’s Rock Shop, but it was a gold mine, so to speak. The
one Genie listed there has been sold, but I’m going to put a “Wanted”
ad up.

Thanks again, Albert!


Dave Sebaste
Sebaste Studio and
Carolina Artisans’ Gallery
Charlotte, NC (USA)
dave@sebaste.com mailto:dave@sebaste.com
http://www.CarolinaArtisans.com http://www.CarolinaArtisans.com

Hi Don,

Thanks for the suggestion of the Pixie (4" wheels) vs. Genie (6"
wheels). I may step down to that if I can’t find a Genie. Or maybe
step up to a new Genie. I had considered the Pixie, but portability is
not going to be a frequent requirement. It’s more the catalyst to
prompt me to seek a Genie again. I searched for a used unit a few
years ago, and barely missed out on the sale of two of them!

I’m leaning toward the Genie over the Pixie because I prefer heavy
duty capacity and the “flatter” face presented by a larger wheel. The
more compact Pixie does have its advantages in my cramped studio,

The search continues…


Dave Sebaste
Sebaste Studio and
Carolina Artisans’ Gallery
Charlotte, NC (USA)
dave@sebaste.com mailto:dave@sebaste.com
http://www.CarolinaArtisans.com http://www.CarolinaArtisans.com