Looking for art

Hello all I am Chris Windisch and I own a unique gallery in New
Mexico specializing in jewelry and folk art from around the world.We
are looking for jewelry and other unique handcrafted items.We are
interested in a consignment relatiionship leading to and not ruling
out a purchase relationship.Please contact me through Sue Dorman at
@Sue_Dorman who is my cousin and I’ll be visiting with her
for the next couple of weeks.We have been in business for seventeen
years ,our clientel is diverse and our business is expanding.We are
interested in handling a variety of unique artpieces Thank you for
your time.

Yours truly:
Christopher Windisch

Sue, Please pass this on to Chris as he posted a message that he was
looking for some items to show in his gallery. Attached are some
pictures of my enamels. I make enameled jewelry and wall pieces. I
have been selling my work in local galleries in San Diego for over 10
years with good success. I have always wanted to show my work in New
Mexico. Atached are some digital pictures.

Please tell me more about your gallery,
Cheers, James Mayfield, San Diego, Calif.

Hi Chris, I have a line of sterling silver production jewelry that I
sell on consignment through about 10 galleries. This is a part-time
business for me but I have enough extra work for another gallery if
you are interested. Examples of my jewelry can be seen on this web
site which is hosted by my local gallery:
http://www.iowa-artisans-gallery.com/metalluck.htm I am interested in
consigning only the jewelry, not the sculptural pieces. My retail
prices range from about $50 to $120.

Three of my galleries sell quite well, averaging about $400 retail
each per month. The others do not sell as well. Why the difference?
I am not sure but I think that sales skills and location has a lot to
do with it.

If you think that you are interested in a consignment of my jewelry,
please send me a copy of you consignment agreement. I would
appreciate a little more about your gallery also. After
reviewing your consignment agreement, I will send you a consignment
of about ten jewelry pieces varying in styles and sizes. As you sell
pieces out of the consignment, I will replace them and add more to
your selection as our business relationship grows. Please contact me
if you are interested.

Thank you,
David Luck
627 Center Street
Iowa City, IA 52245

Dear Christopher, I do bronze scultures. They range in price from
$400.00 to $8,000. It is an unusual concept of spirituality. Please
view my “Old” web site. These are some of the early pieces. There
are now a total of 14 in the series and also non-metamorhosis
pieces. I can send pictures of the newer pieces if you are
interested. I will send you my resume also if you are interested.

Good luck,
Cynthia Thomas