[Looking for] An ultrasonic Cleaner

Hello everyone! Does anyone of you know of someone who would like to
sell a used ultrasonic cleaner? I’d prefer buying used, but I’m open
to buying a new machine. I don’t need a gigantic 2-gallon tank
because my workshop’s at home and my production’s not at industrial
level yet.

Write me back on my personal email address (@mithrilsmith)
or via Ganoksin.

Have a nice day!!!
Benoit Hamel.

They’re often available on eBay under Jewelry - S upplies - Tools. Good luck.

Benoit. It just so happens that I might be able to help you. We
repair ultrasonic cleaners and if you will call us at 1-800-223-4936
on Monday about 9:30 Central time I’ll be shappy to try to fill your

Mike& Dale. "If you don’t need us today we’ll be here tomorrow."
The ultrasonic repair guys.
Lone Star Technical Services…