Lo tech measuring

G’day; this message was sent to Gary Bourbonaise address twice and
bounced back as being pornograpy /spam!! Together with a message that
I had been blocked for spamming.! As you can see, this is not an
important signal, and it is neither porn nor spam, but it’s worrying.
I have also had a number of mails ‘bounced’ to me which I never sent
in the first place! But they were purported as generated by me. And
they were indeed spam… But here you are Gary at last. PS I make
Norton do a complete check every week, and I update it every two
days. Manually Every outgoing mail is checked for viruses

G’day. Your recent post in Orchid about the ‘rule of thumb’,
made me think of an even earlier form of measurement which I
adopted as being simple and idiot proof. After I retired I
occupied some of my time in making and repairing things for
the local play schools and kindergartens - who were always
short of money to pay for what they needed. Being somewhat
’arithmetically challenged’ I used the very ancient method
used by artisans thousands of years ago, with no 'body parts’

For instance I was asked to make chairs and tables suitable
for 3 - 7 year old kids. So I took the size of ordinary
furniture and made the things two thirds the size,
approximately. I began with a piece of flat wood of reasonable
thickness (about 1/4") and of suitable width (about 1 1/2")
and length and beveled one edge and one end. I then marked
off various lengths; legs, seats, rungs, and so on and labeled
the marks as to what they were. A little hole in one end
allowed me to hang it on a nail when not in use, and I then
used those marks to cut the timber as required. Thus, all the
chairs were the same, and when I was asked to make more a year
later, I took the measure-stick down off it’s nail and off I
went. I still have a good number of those sticks hanging in
my workshop, and found the idea easiest to work with.

When it came to jewellery rings , I gave the ‘customer’ a
piece of soft iron florist’s wire and had them wrap it round
the appropriate finger and twist the ends so the loop fitted
the finger exactly as the customer wanted. I cut the loop in
the centre, laid the wire out straight on my bench - and cut
the piece of silver or gold the length of the wire plus the
thickness of the metal, Simple! No ring sizers, no
multiplication by pye - just straightforward.

To make a bezel for a cabochon stone of any shape, I wrapped
a ribbon of sticky masking tape about 1/8" wide around the
edge of the stone and overlapped the ends. I cut the tape,
and that was the length of the bezel wire plus metal
thickness. No matter what shape the stone, the bezel could
be bent to fit perfectly and soldered to a base

Cheers for now,
JohnB of Mapua, Nelson NZ

but it's worrying. I have also had a number of mails 'bounced' to
me which I never sent in the first place! 

John, This happens when someone’s PC is infected by one of many
virus’s. It harvests the victim’s email address book and sends out
mass mailings using one of the harvested addresses. This process is
known as spoofing. It’s unsettling when you receive bounced mail. I
used to shut down my computer and scan for virus’s and give my kids
the 3rd degree about downloading and opening suspicious emails…

Rick Copeland
Silversmith and Lapidary Artisan
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Of spamming and bouncing

John - the viruses will grab your address off of address lists on
computers you have e-mailed (either directly or on a list), so that a
virus e-mail may go out with your address on it that did not
originate on your computer. Which is a major nuisance!

In my day job I am director of development at a private college
prep, and am currently having trouble with my press releases bouncing
back from one of the newspapers as “spam”! Which it isn’t! I don’t
know how they set these filters, but they are obviously not

Thanks for the measuring tips by the way - I have saved them all as
I am definitely mathematically challenged! My wire-wrapping
instructor was a retired engineer, so he did everything very strictly
by the numbers - I had to figure out how to make it work for me
another way because I sure am not reliable with numbers!

Beth in SC who is hoping Ivan goes west!

  John - the viruses will grab your address off of address lists
on computers you have e-mailed (either directly or on a list), so
that a virus e-mail may go out with your address on it that did not
originate on your computer. Which is a major nuisance! 

the other thing that happens is that data miners find your address
not just on emails, but on web pages, newsgroup messages, or
anywhere else you may have entered your email address, such as
registering something on a web site. it only takes one such instance,
somewhere, with the web site then selling it’s mailing list, for your
email address to become available to spammers. And in addition to
spammers mailing spam to you, one ploy they use to avoid being traced
is to send their crap with false email addresses. And guess what
they often use. The valid addresses of those they’d otherwise be
sending their crap to. I’ve actually gotton spam email sent from
china or taiwan or some such, addressed to me (actually addressed to
a list, which included me), with my own address as the 'from" header.
Very disconcerting, but a look at the path headers and posting host
headers, and the like, easily showed me that the email had not
originated on my machine. It was just a case of my address being
used by the spammers to hide their own identity. My own machine is
rather thoroughly protected, in terms of firewalls, virus protection,
and internet settings set so as to try and avoid most such problems,
including spyware. But postings with my email address on the net,
due to my being the moderator of rec.crafts.jewelry, are not hard to


I would hope that everyone on Orchid has had the sense to install
and use good anti-virus software and preferably a firewall too.

Here are a couple of other things you can do to help keep the
unwanted at bay:

  1. Download some free spyware from the internet (Ad-Aware is a good
    one) and run it regularly. This will identify any data miners on your
    machine and allow you to get rid of them. The reference file is
    updated regularly, and you can download the latest version whenever
    you want.

  2. Check how you have your cookie permissions set up.

‘First-party’ cookies are generally OK, as they are the ones that
the website you are looking at puts onto your machine, usually to
keep track of things like your name when you are shopping on the
Internet. Some shopping sites will not work if you do not allow First
Party cookies.

‘Third-party’ cookies are usually a no-no. This is how a great many
data miners get on to your machine. Either block them completely, or
ask to be prompted when they appear. At that point you can allow the
cookie, block it or opt to block all cookies from the originator.
This is what I do with third-party cookies, and the number that
appear decreased rapidly from the day I started.

‘Persistent’ cookies are ones that stay on your machine even after
you have left the site. These are generally the ones that hold
personal such as your name and address, your email
address etc. which is you enter when registering with a
site, or when you make a purchase. It is up to you whether you let
them stay, but don’t allow persistent cookies if you are
uncomfortable with the idea.

‘Session’ cookies (sometimes not referred to as cookies) are
transitory. When you enter a website, you are starting s new
’session’ for that site. Session cookies are used to pass information
between pages as long as you are on the site. When you leave the
site, they disappear. As a rule you should allow Session cookies, as
they are widely used and are not actually held on your machine, but
on the web server along with the site itself.

I hope this has been of help to some of you

    This happens when someone's PC is infected by one of many
virus's.  It harvests the victim's email address book and sends
out mass mailings using one of the harvested addresses. 

A trick that can help defeat this problem is to make an addition to
your own email software’s address book. Set an addressee’s name as
“AAAA” or “aaaa” Leave the address space blank. Most ‘email address
harvesting viruses’ will see this entry first and will not continue
down the list. It is possible that some of these types of viruses
may no longer stop at this trick.

One of the best ways to avoid downloading infected email is to set
up a POP mail account where you can store your messages online and
view them in your web browser before downloading to your computer.
Many ISPs offer this service along with the account you already
have. If not, just Google “POP mail” in quotes, there are many from
which to choose.

James in SoFl