LJ November Issue

Cynthia, The LJ magazine and the JJ are so wonderful, what is even
more so is that over the years and over Orchid, we have come to "know"
one another primarily by the way we communicate, positively.

I would say we are light years ahead in openly communicating,
encouraging, marveling without jealousy or prejudice. As we come to
know a fine author by their words, we have also come to know one
another by our words first and deeds second. Those with name
recognition that are “luminaries” within the Art , creation, and
teaching of Jewelry, are here among us and ever so willingly offer
their expertise, never from an assumed lofty position, but just one of

The borders of our world are now so greatly expanded, that we all
think globally and are the better for it. Rarely is there one
upmanship here among us. The Jewelry designer at home raising children
being featured in a globally accepted publication because the writer
among us is doing exactly that and her field of art, words.

I know this is only the beginning, more will come forward, and more
will be published. There is no limit.

I know more of us will meet one another and it will spiral out from
there. I look forward to meetings again this year in Tucson and
hopefully Quartzsite also. For the rockhounds among us, a field trip
here or there, I will make Thunder Bay this year Giovanna, anyone
interested in coming out this way San Diego County or the Mojave
Desert, just ask.

It is a great feeling to open a magazine and see a familiar name or
face, great work all of you, congratulations.

Dr. Aspler, it goes beyond saying, many thanks. Teresa

Being fairly new to this wonderful industry and way of life, I too
was fortunate enough to be included in the Silversmith article this
November, and to have had the LJ editors request a project for the
Jewelry Journal. For anyone who has thought of doing a how to article

  • GO FOR IT! The people at LJ are such a pleasure to work with. They
    are very nice and they were able to create some really great graphics
    from the rather rough hand drawings I included with the article. And
    the photography is fantastic!

When Suzanne contacted me, I asked how she got my Her
response was that someone from LJ picked up a press kit at one of the
shows… Please don’t forget to take the time to market yourself at
the shows. It takes a little time to pull things together, but it is
definitely worth the effort!

Thank you Suzanne, Adrianne (at LJ), and Hanuman. You all work so
very hard to give us the opportunities to share important techniques,
ideas and with one another.

Lori Bugaj One-Eyed Collie Jewelry Design (just moving in to my "new"
1889 Victorian house in SF - what a mess, but what a relief to have
found a place to call home…)

I want to join the chorus applauding the recent issue of Lapidary
Journal. It just keeps getting better!

I picked it up today, thinking I would just browse a few pages and
then found myself slowing down to enjoy its visual beauty and
diversity. I didn’t put it down again until after I had read to the
inside back cover. Bravo Suzanne!


Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts
760 Market Street - Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94102
tel: 415-391-4179 fax: 415-391-7570

email: alan@revereacademy.com


Dear Orchidians,

Just wanted to drop you a note and say “thank you” for all your kind
words regarding the November issue of LJ and the silver article, in

I also wanted to say a little Thank You of my own to Dr. Aspler and
to all the other people who make this forum such a great place. I’ve
been impressed over and over again by the quality of information
offered and by the willingness to share – something not always common
in the jewlery world! My job would be a thousand times harder without
all you great folks on Orchid and your willingness to step forward
when someone needs help or So give yourselves a round of
applause, as well!

Thanks again, and I’m glad you enjoyed the November issue of Lapidary


Suzanne Wade
Phone: (508) 339-7366
Fax: (520) 563-8255

Everyone, Thank you Suzanne for your practical articles in Lapidary
Journal. I’ve enjoyed them. It’s great to see the photos of the
people who write and who contribute to the pieces. Lapidary Journal
is also presenting a wonderful series by Alan Revere detailing
various common repairs done by the bench jeweler. Alan, your
real-life descriptions are entertaining as well as helping set up the
project. I also find the photo illustrations very well done. Cudos
to Alan, who is as modest as he is talented! Judy in Kansas where
K-State beat Nebraska on a very cold snowy Saturday night.

Judy M. Willingham, R.S.
Extension Associate
221 Call Hall Kansas State Univerisity
Manhattan KS 66506
(785) 532-1213 FAX (785) 532-5681