Lindy star

Can the lindy Star Sapphire take the heat for sizing without
protecting Bob

At 08:09 PM 1/4/97 -0600, Goll, Robert wrote:

Can the lindy Star Sapphire take the heat for sizing without
protecting Bob

Synthetic star sapphires can take plenty of heat. Just don’t quench them.

Snail: POB 7972, McLean, VA 22106

Can the lindy Star Sapphire take the heat for sizing without
protecting Bob

Interesting question. At first glance I’d say yes. Then if it
were my own job I’d probably take the thing out just to make
sure. Charles

Brain Press
Box 1624, Ste M, Calgary,
Alberta, T2P 2L7, Canada
Tel: 403-263-3955 Fax: 403-283-9053
Email: @Charles_Lewton-Brain

Metals info download web site: Learning Center - Ganoksin Jewelry Making Community
Product descriptions:

Can the lindy Star Sapphire take the heat for sizing without
protecting Bob

Nowdays for sizings I wrap the head in wet cotton wool. This is
less mess than heat shield or immersing in wet sand. Gerald

  *     Arrowtown Opals & Jewellery             *
  *       po. box 17 Arrowtown S.I              *
  *             New Zealand                     *
  *     Ph 64 3 4421288 Fax 64 3 4421488        *
  * *

Can the lindy Star Sapphire take the heat for sizing without
protecting Bob

Actually I used to heat them to a cherry red color and let them
cool just for sport. As long as you don’t quench them they will
take a lot of heat. I would not try that, however, with any
natural s

Rick Hamilton

Richard D.