Learning Center Favorites

Articles in the Learning Center have a button to save the article to your favorites.

I clicked, and the button indicated the article was saved to my favoirtes. But I cannot find my favorites on this website. And I cannot find the article saved in my computer (thankfully).

Where can my list of favorite articles from the Learning Center be found?

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We just added that feature actually :slight_smile: @leah-ganoksin-admin any ideas?

Hi Seth,
This is off this subject, but its the easiest way to reach you.
How is it possible for say, another poster to look and see all my posts and pics over the past year? if this can be done it would save everyone a lot of referring to other threads and me having to repeat myself all the time?

Click search…the little magnifying glass

Then click “options” – the little text link below it.

Hi Vladimir, people can also click on your username and then click again to see your Profile and see all your posts that way.

Hi @Betty2. I think we forgot to have a way to access your favorites! I’ll add this asap and report back here when it’s done.


OK, if you choose this “My Favorites” in the menu pictured below, you can access your favorites. Thanks for pointing out this missing feature, @Betty2! :slight_smile:


There should be favorites in My Favorites, but it says I have no favorites.

@leah-ganoksin-admin any ideas?

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I will get our dev to look into this asap!

Just testing a response to this by email. Please ignore.

Hi Leah

I’m having posting problems, I’ve been attempting to post two emails about 2 essays that I’ve written this week, twice! Not one of them have been seen…:>( They are essay numbers #118 & #119. Can you look into this problem for me?

fondest regards!

Hi @gerrylewy18! There was a problem for a few days with posting/replying by email but it’s all fixed now. That was probably what you ran into. So you can try again now.

I have the same problem. Where are all the items I clicked to "save to My Favorites’? I can’t find them anywhere on the site.