Laser welder from Stuller

I have a Rofin Starweld laser and I have had not even a glitch go
wrong. I am not trying to brag, but in six weeks of owing my new
laser I have recouped 10% of the cost of the machine. I was
skeptical since it was $28,000, but the guys at Stuller, Andy
Kroungold, assured me everything was going to be fine. I advertise
"Jewelry repaired while you wait" and it has really increased my
traffic. I made a deal with my boss that I could achieve this and
in most cases I have been able to deliver. Now that I’m thinking I
forgot to add in todays totals, which put my total invoices at near
$3250.00 in laser weld specific jobs since I got it on May 7th. Oh
I have not worked any weekend and was gone for training for 2 days.
If you are considering a laser you are losing money thinking about
it and not getting one.

Scott Isaacs
Berrys Jewelry-Nashville,Tn
Cad/Cam and laser services
Rofin-Starwelder trained


What kind of training exactly did you receive? When I went to
Stuller for mine I found it very lacking. I had already figured out
how to do the things they were showing me and came away with nothing.

I felt it was much more of a sales pitch to get me to buy more stuff
than it was to train.

I’ve learned much more from calling Roffin and talking with them over
the phone and reading literature they have sent and also articles in
various trades.

Anyway, I thought it was a complete waste of time. For 30 grand, I
expected a whole lot more.

The Dr.
(Director of Romance)