I have a Rofin Starweld laser and I have had not even a glitch go
wrong. I am not trying to brag, but in six weeks of owing my new
laser I have recouped 10% of the cost of the machine. I was
skeptical since it was $28,000, but the guys at Stuller, Andy
Kroungold, assured me everything was going to be fine. I advertise
"Jewelry repaired while you wait" and it has really increased my
traffic. I made a deal with my boss that I could achieve this and
in most cases I have been able to deliver. Now that I’m thinking I
forgot to add in todays totals, which put my total invoices at near
$3250.00 in laser weld specific jobs since I got it on May 7th. Oh
I have not worked any weekend and was gone for training for 2 days.
If you are considering a laser you are losing money thinking about
it and not getting one.
Scott Isaacs
Berrys Jewelry-Nashville,Tn
Cad/Cam and laser services
Rofin-Starwelder trained