Laser Pulse Shapes

We have had our Orotig Evo White for a while now but really struggling to find any information on pulse shapes for different metals. We are experimenting but…we would love a short cut if anyone knows of one!!!

I’m not sure what your question is? Doesn’t your welder have presets for different metals and thicknesses? Or is there a settings chart in your owner’s manual?

I’ve only ever really used LaserStar laser welders. With those welders there are many recommended settings in the main menu for different metals and thicknesses. I usually have used the LaserStar presets as a starting off point and then adjust them as needed.

I Googled your welder and tried to figure out if there are presets on it and I don’t see any info. That’s probably what you’re finding as well.

Since no one else has replied to your post yet, I’d recommend reaching out to the company that you bought the welder from or reaching out to Orotig technical support and asking them.

Sorry that I’m not more help!!


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I agree with Jeff, you need to talk to technical support. Unfortunately, I’ve only ever use Laserstar as well.


Many Thanks Jeff and Margie,
Yes I’m having trouble getting any info from Orotig, there’s no helpful presets, nothing in the manual and there seems to be no information available from our supplier or the company who manufactured the laser! I guess it’s time we just started the experimenting and recording phase!

I do see that Stuller sells this welder. They’re a huge company with a big tech support department. Have you considered reaching out to them?

It could be that your welder just has one energy modulation form and your two adjustments are the power and spot size. Is that the case?

Or do you have a bunch of symbols in your interface that you can’t figure out what they mean? For instance, LaserStar welders with gold the energy ramps up and for silver the energy ramps down. The symbol looks kind of like a staircase going up and down in different directions. Is that the kind of info that you’re looking for?

Thanks Jeff, I’ll reach out to Stuller, we do buy a fair bit from them.We do have around five basic pulse shapes available but we’re unsure of how, why and where to use them! I understand they will ramp up and down in power so we’ll do some trials.

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How about posting some shots of the 5 pulse shapes on your welder? That will help us know what we’re talking about.

I purchased a Ortig Evo after my 15 year old star welder blew up. ( going to repair). And I have not found and parameters or starting point charts. It came with 18k gold, silver and a couple of other presets for wire, welding, polishing, and porousity. They are not realy that helpful. I could zip out a sizing with my rofin starweld with sweet spot in no time. I have been searching for a month for sugesstive . is definitely a learning curve with this machine.