Lamps and Lighting

I am going to redo the lighting around my bench and am interested in
some opinions. Do you have any regarding:

Placement of lighting
Whether it is fixed, movable or combination
Incandescent versus flourescent versus halogen

I have overhead fourescents in the room. I have 3 small floods
directly over the bench with marginal adjustments. I am
comptemplating removing the small floods and adding two small
adjustable halogens. I am concerned about how the lighting affects
the view when doing detail work (like setting) while looking through
magnifying glasses. I also need adjustable lighting for sawing
eliminate shadows.

The drawback of halogen is the heat, but the lighting seems superior.

Small adjustable flourescents are appealing, but I’m concerned about
how the light affects the view through a 10X loop when examining work.
Incandescents seem to have the same flaw.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Steve McCarthy

OFFICE MEMO Lamps and Lighting Date: 8/26/96

I am going to redo the lighting around my bench and am interested in some
opinions. Do you have any regarding:

Placement of lighting
Whether it is fixed, movable or combination
Incandescent versus flourescent versus halogen

I have overhead fourescents in the room. I have 3 small floods directly over
the bench with marginal adjustments. I am comptemplating removing the small
floods and adding two small adjustable halogens. I am concerned about how
the lighting affects the view when doing detail work (like setting) while
looking through magnifying glasses. I also need adjustable lighting for
sawing eliminate shadows.

The drawback of halogen is the heat, but the lighting seems superior.

Small adjustable flourescents are appealing, but I’m concerned about how the
light affects the view through a 10X loop when examining work. Incandescents
seem to have the same flaw.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Steve McCarthy

Steve McCarthy wrote:

                  Subject:                              Time:  11:22 PM

OFFICE MEMO Lamps and Lighting Date: 8/26/96

I am going to redo the lighting around my bench and am interested in some
opinions. Do you have any regarding:

Placement of lighting
Whether it is fixed, movable or combination
Incandescent versus flourescent versus halogen

I have overhead fourescents in the room. I have 3 small floods directly over
the bench with marginal adjustments. I am comptemplating removing the small
floods and adding two small adjustable halogens. I am concerned about how
the lighting affects the view when doing detail work (like setting) while
looking through magnifying glasses. I also need adjustable lighting for
sawing eliminate shadows.

The drawback of halogen is the heat, but the lighting seems superior.

Small adjustable flourescents are appealing, but I’m concerned about how the
light affects the view through a 10X loop when examining work. Incandescents
seem to have the same flaw.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Steve McCarthy

Steve - I use a combination of incandescant & flourescent lights.
Directly over my bench are 2 4’ fl. lights - special from a light shop
that specializes in natural lighting. Fork over the extra dough for
quality fl. tubes - a & b the good and bad and you won’t believe the
difference. Also, if you have the mounting options above you, track
lighting is nice - that way you can have 2 inc. lights and 2 halogen at
the same time.
I always thought I was a decent jeweler till I put in good
lights. ;:slight_smile: . Good luck, Mike

If you decide to use florscente don’t make the mistake of using 3 foot lamps…
you will find that the bulbs are 3/4 times the price of f foot lamps
At 09:35 PM 8/27/96 -0700, you wrote:

Steve McCarthy wrote:

                  Subject:                              Time:  11:22 PM

OFFICE MEMO Lamps and Lighting Date: 8/26/96

I am going to redo the lighting around my bench and am interested in some
opinions. Do you have any regarding:

Placement of lighting
Whether it is fixed, movable or combination
Incandescent versus flourescent versus halogen

I have overhead fourescents in the room. I have 3 small floods directly over
the bench with marginal adjustments. I am comptemplating removing the small
floods and adding two small adjustable halogens. I am concerned about how
the lighting affects the view when doing detail work (like setting) while
looking through magnifying glasses. I also need adjustable lighting for
sawing eliminate shadows.

The drawback of halogen is the heat, but the lighting seems superior.

Small adjustable flourescents are appealing, but I’m concerned about how the
light affects the view through a 10X loop when examining work.
seem to have the same flaw.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Steve McCarthy


    I always thought I was a decent jeweler till I put in good

lights. ;:slight_smile: . Good luck, Mike

You are right 'bout good lighting … Ya don’t know what ya can do till
ya get good lighting.

I use the a triple lamp flouresent desk fixture. 54 watts of pleasure.
Yes, yes yes Daylight bulbs are a must!


Reply to: RE>>Lamps and Lighting

    I always thought I was a decent jeweler till I put in good

lights. ;:slight_smile: . Good luck, Mike

I use the a triple lamp flouresent desk fixture. 54 watts of pleasure.
Yes, yes yes Daylight bulbs are a must!

Jewelers with a sense of humor! I guess I’ll have to lighten up on-line.
Excuse the pun.
