Keum boo on argentium

Does any one happen to know if you can do Keum Boo on Argentium
Silver ? I cast most of my work in Argentium and am looking for a
cost effective way to add gold elements into my designs

Brett Garrett

if you can do Keum Boo on Argentium 

Yes, you can. Just heat/pickle once (depletion guild) and then fuse
the keum-boo foil.


Yes you can. Cynthia Eid even teaches a class on it. I found that
using a thicker sheet of gold worked better as the thin sheet can
disappear into the silver - but the tip was Cynthia’s originally.

Mary Partlan

Hi Brett,

Does any one happen to know if you can do Keum Boo on Argentium
Silver ? I cast most of my work in Argentium and am looking for a
cost effective way to add gold elements into my designs 

I just wrote a handout on doing Kum Boo on Argentium Silver. Though
the handout is oriented towards Argentium Silver, it is also relevant
to Kum Boo on traditional sterling, I have sent it to you off-line.
(I’ll be posting it on my website soon, but in the meantime, people
who are interested may email me.)

Earlier this month, I taught a workshop in Atlanta on Argentium
Silver, covering fusing, soldering, annealing, and Kum Boo. You can
see some of the students’ work on my blog at

Cynthia Eid