Is there anything I can do to help the RTV molds I have last
longer? Like keeping them sealed in a plastic bag? Or keeping in
the refridgerator?
Is there anything I can do to help the RTV molds I have last
longer? Like keeping them sealed in a plastic bag? Or keeping in
the refridgerator?
One would first need to know what type of RTV your molds are made
of. What problems are you having with longevity? Is it storage
age, or usage? Is it crumbling, softening, tearing? Also you
could ask your mold materials supplier what they recommend to
extend storage time.
For some materials, moisture is a problem, for others heat. For
most sunlight is a problem. Refrigeration might help with some
materials but I am not familiar with this as an oftem used
alternative. I would need a 40 foot refrigerated truck trailer if
I were to attempt this! Hope this helps a bit.
John and Cynthia/MidLife Crisis Enterprises
Maiden Metals/C. T. Designs/ Bloomin’ Wax Works. etc.
PO Bx 44, Philo
CA 95466
Ph 707-895-2635 FAX 707-895-9332
The playfulness of the Universe
is reflected in the dance of the stars!
Hi Moldkeepers, To keep RTV molds, a dark cool cabinet should be
fine. The refrigerator should work pretty well also but you might
need to let the mold reach room temp before injecting. Sometimes I
put a mold in the fridge to cool down occasionaly on a long
production run. J.A.