What gauges will these cutters go through?
What gauges will these cutters go through?
They are meant to cut bone in the kitchen I am not sure how well
they will work on anything else nor how long they would last. I have
learned that if you use a tool not meant for a specific job injury
follows. It usually hurts a lot too. I call it the dance of
discovery. Use tools meant for the jobs. They are not that much more
expensive than good kitchen shears. Wiss shears are good and I got
some German shears from Rio for about 40 dollars that I used with
ease cutting thick gauges. My advice use the tool for the job.
I’m not sure, but I think I’d keep it to 22ga silver.
I’ve been using my J Chen shears for about 10 years! I’ve used them
to cut 18g milled sheet. I continue to love using them.
Linda Kaye-Moses
You know, I never could quite understand why so many jewelry students
and serious jewely hobbists (as seen in my many classes), all cut
their wire solder with their Joy Chen scissors, and thin sheet. I
shudder when I see my students cut their wire solder but learned to
keep my mouth shut for the time. However, I will get ticked off when
they try to cut 20g sheet, and hand them my big 10" Prosnip sheet
cutters to cut. To this day, I still don’t own a pair and don’t want
to. I’m perfectly happy with my Xuron maxi-shears, my Prosnip sheet
cutters, and my small German shop shears for thin sheet.
I actually prefer Fiskars to the Joyce Chens. Have both. Using a
tool “meant for the job” is not always the only or even the best
way… Frankly, my Fiskars cut WAY better than any of the metal
shears I’ve ever gotten. and they are designed to cut fabric!
I get them from stores in the fabric department, and have a large
pair that easily cuts up to 18 g, with a bit more effort will do 16
g. Not good for thicker than that for cutting sheet. The small ones
are great for up to 18g, and being small are super for cutting into
tight areas.
I rarely use the Joyce Chen shears; mainly my Fiskars.
Beth Wicker
Three Cats and a Dog Design Studio
I love my Joyce Chen scissors! I routinely cut 24 and 22 gauge
silver with them.
Joyce Chen shears are light, maneuverable, sharp, and really
excellent for cutting metal.
A bunch of years ago, I took a workshop at the Revere Academy, with
Marne Ryan. Someone had some Joyce Chens and let Marne try them. She
was so excited about them that the whole class went across the street
to the big department stores to buy their own.
They are not for heavy cutting, but they are terrific for some
tasks. Don’t condemn what you don’t know.
First J. C SCISSORS are not metal shears- they are designed for
kitchen tasks like meat cutting! I can cut 16g - down with my free
harbour freight “penny cutters” (they frequently have a coupon for a
free pair in their papers and catalogues)…No metalsmith needs the
Joyce Chen brand name if they cut more than very light gauge
materials (24 g - laser weight, They begin to struggle at 22 g.).
I agree with Beth fully and Joy (spoon lady) as well- particularly
about students borrowing my equipment ! It is frustrating when
students bring a scissors to class and ask to use my shears when
they were bringing the JC’s to class simply to show them off,
(read:went to another class and the “instructor” extolled them for
cutting paper type metal clay!!! so they all went to the local X
mart and bought a pair) as I can assure you they were never on a
tools list I specified. It was a fad that began about 10 years ago.
that is dead now. The things don’t stay sharp and they are not great
for lefties, nor do the hinges stay sound. for over a month, that is,
in the kitchen! I suspect you went to a class and someone brought
them up - again. They aren’t for metal but do well for chicken
cartilage! Clean them and throw them in your kitchen drawer, and buy
some heavier more versatile Fiskars if you need a lightweight,
manoeuvrable cutter that can cut various gauges of annealed metal or
Xuron shears designed to stay sharp when cutting a variety of gauges
of annealed metals (14g. -down)…if you need something intended to
stand up to metal above 24 gauge - and you probably do, use the
right tool for the job. and don’t follow the herd when it comes to
trendy tools…It would be more appropriate to save the 30 bucks plus
taxes and buy more metal (about an oz and a half troy of silver at
present !).
When a scissors don’t even cut through a small rosemary branch/stem
and the warranty is voided when you put them to metal, that should be
a clue they are intended for what the package says- kitchen use, or
maybe cutting a rose stem!.. rer
I actually prefer Fiskars to the Joyce Chens. Have both. Using a tool "meant for the job" is not always the only or even the best way.
I still stand by my statement it is the SAFEST WAY. If you use the
proper tools for each job you can get quite adept at cutting with
them. IF the gauge is to heavy to cut with my shears that is what my
Jeweler’s saw is for. really safety in my shop comes first I only
have ten fingers want them all.
Maybe it is because I was trained in college in the 70’s as a
sculptor and also as a chef in the late 80’s. Safety is always my
first thought in working. As well as ‘mis en place’ keep your
station clean and in order (Ratatouille movie quote I love that
I have been using the Joyce Chen scissors for over 20 years and was
the one to give the pair to my friend, Marne. They actually have a
lifetime guarantee! You can find them online easily enough. If
buying quantities, go to Joyce Chen direct. I buy them by the dozen
from them. Amazon has them also. Retail is approx $20.
Ronda Coryell
Jewelry Studies Intl
I am intested in the wholsale source for Joyce chen shears if you
don’y mind sharing the link, TIA.
Thank you for the back up, Rhonda! The Chens are a wonderful tool,
and there it’s no sense in beating up on folks for saying so.
WHo was beating up on people? Simple statement of safety I believe
the question asked was about heavier gauges than foil as in what
gauge can they cut up to. use what you will for foil, but heavier
gauges I think safety prevails. Simple statement no beating of
anyone. Don’t like what I said about safety feel free to risk your
health it is your right to decide what works best for you. I just
thought a safety lesson I learned was worth sharing. Teri
I thought R. E made some valid points.
When did R. E “beat up” on anyone as Noel puts it?
Like most valid arguments posted to this board, the point of the
topic is lost on those who do not value their tools by their
functionality but rather the praise others give the brand names on
their tools.
Who care if the tool functions if no one knows the maker!
As for me, I am with R. E, I have yet to pick up a pair of these
shears that didn’t feel like they were going to fall apart.
The people I have seen cut metal with them have all used a new pair
(going by the loseness of the rivet).
In closing, I am not sure what you are defending, it must be ego,
because the shears just don’t cut it! Kenneth
OK. I finally felt that I should weigh in. I’ve been using a pair of
Joyce Chen kitchen scissors for. oh, about 10 years. Yes, I use them
to cut silver (easy up to 26 ga, less so on 24 ga and 22 ga is
limited to short, straight cuts) and copper sheet. Really great for
trimming off excess backing around the bezel.
The handles are made of a flexible plastic and do feel like they
will give way, but they don’t. Yesterday I cut out several copper
pieces in 21 ga sheet. Slow and steady, no problem. That includes
inside curves too.
The blades are very sharp and I’ve nipped my finger, so be careful.
One disadvantage is that the sheet can be inadvertently scarred
during cutting those inside curves and the metal really curls. One
has to use the scissors and experiment a bit to understand how to
avoid those scars.
Will I buy them again? Heck, yes. if they ever need replacing!
Judy in Kansas, where a storm blew through last night and dropped
about 1.6 inches of rain. Lightning hit a tree in the nearby park -
KABOOM!!! Really startled me out of sleep.