Jewelry tool and supply supplier?

Cynthia, Did a search and could not find Hammel-Riglander on the net.
Do you have a phone # or address to contact them? Thanks, Joel

Joel Schwalb

Contact Arjan Enterprises Inc (800 221 4812) They manufacture and
wholesale tools. Other wholesalers are Euro Tools, JSP. Check other
retailer catalogs for brands and products they carry such as Kerr,
Romanoff, Ferris etc.

Regards Kenneth Singh

Hi Joel

Searching I found this reference maybe this will help. In
1978, Grobet purchased the Hammel Riglander Company, which was
located in New York City. Hammel Riglander was a major supplier<
Hammel-Riglander - Google Search
n&b tnG=Google+Search&meta=

Karen Bahr “the Rocklady” (@Rocklady)
K.I.S. Creations
May your gems always sparkle.

 Cynthia, Did a search and could not find Hammel-Riglander on the
net. Do you have a phone # or address to contact them? Thanks, Joel

Dear Joel and Cynthia, You will not find Hammel-Riglander on the net
since they sold out to the owner of Grobet files, who also bought
out Dixon and combined the two companies into one. Some of the
products Grobet sells still carry the HR logo. They (HR) were a fine
company located in NYC. Many of the smaller companies who sell tools
and supplies use the catalog which Dixon and now Grobet put out,
but you can contact Grobet (Dixon, etc) on the net. They are located
in Carlsbad, NJ and Grobet has an outlet in CA also. Joe Dule