Jewelry industry market reports

Does anyone have some national market research on our
industry they would be willing to share, or point me in a good
direction for retail stores?

Thank you!

Does anyone have some national market research on our
industry they would be willing to share, or point me in a good
direction for retail stores? 

The place to start would be with our trade associations.

Also, check with David Geller’s site and the Cindy Edlstein’s.



The WSJ has had at least four articles since October on the state of
the jewelry industry. One was Nov 5 discussing a couple who closed a
retail store, established a web site, purchased a video conferencing
machine, and built a strong business designing jewelry and selling
entirely on the web.

I also remember a WSJ article on bespoke jewelry. There was also an
article about Tiffany sales. Sorry, can’t remember the dates of these
last two writings.

It should be fairly easy to google jewelry market research info. Good

Mary A has great
on jewelry ecommerce from a larger perspective than just
in the trade,, RetailJeweler. org,,
and are some of the most informative but lesser known
organizations out there. the IDCA. org covers retail trade globally.
there are perhaps hundreds these are some of the ones that send me
almost daily email and for one reason or another I like over most
others. There are also some that are not specifically retail jewelry
org’s or sites, but more crafts business focused which the genre of
jewelry falls into and for that reason I get a lot of marketing
research from them. all depends on how specific you want things and/
or how broad, regional or niche targeted.


Britten, I only know the standard stuff - maybe somebody has more.
The Jeweler’s Board of Trade (which EVERYBODY should be listed with)
has much, but you need a full membership (@$875, but just listing is
free) to access it. Otherwise, Jeweler’s Circular Keystone magazine
is most people’s source for stats - I don’t see a dedicated space for
it, but they regularly report on market conditions.

The very best source I have found is the Jewelers of America’s “Cost
of Doing Business” Report. This book is written every year and is the
compiled results of a very detailed annual survey of their
membership. It is extremely detailed, and contains virtually
everything you will need for writing a business plan or other
research compilation, with the possible exception of local market
conditions. It breaks down results based on the region, type of
store, gross sales, high versus low profit stores, number of
locations and many other criteria. It is somewhat pricey, especially
if you aren’t a JA member, but if you need a comprehensive and
current analysis of the retail jewelry industry in America, this is

Try this link for more about the 2009 Report:

Hope this is what you’re looking for.
Dave Phelps