Jewelry Design Schools in Australia

Hi - I have just begun taking basic bench work classes, making a
career transition from interior design to jewelry design and loving
it! Now I am interested in getting into a more structured and
focused jewelry design program, hopefully in either Sydney or
Melbourne, Australia, and wondered if anyone has any recommendations?

I already have a BFA in Art History, so am a ‘mature’ candidate (at
36 years old), and so far have come across the TAFE Design Centre in
Sydney, NMIT Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology (Jewellery)
in Melbourne, and Monash Uni BFA program.

But I can’t tell how the programs might differ or compare. Any
insights or recommendations?

Thanks so much! Wish me luck!

Related Pages:
Ganoksin’s Industry Guide > Education > New Zealand & Australia

Dear Chris,

There are 3 jewellery schools in Sydney - Sydney College of the
Arts, part of the University of Sydney. College of Fine Arts at Uni
of New South Wales has jewellery within their design programme,
Enmore Design Centre (TAFE) as you mentioned has both design and
trade courses.

In Melbourne the most well known is RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute
of Technology) and Monash University.

Canberra also has a very good school at ANU.(Australian National
Uni.) Charles Sturt Wagga Wagga has another if you like being
in the country.

They all have slightly different approaches and strengths and it
would be difficult for me to publicly compare them since I work at
one of them. Most of the Unis have a July mid year intake for post
graduate programmes otherwise applications are generally due in
October. If you would like more specific after you have
checked out the websites I am happy to help.

Regards, Valerie