Jewellery work - UK

Can anyone help Annie? She lives in London.

I am a first year jewellery student studying at Central Saint
Martins College of Art and Design. I am finding the the start of the
course quite difficult as there is so much to take in and techniques
to learn. I am enquiring whether you know anywhere where I can gain
more experience in the jewellery field. A workshop where i can gain
first hand experience of designers at work and somewhere I can
practice jewellery techniques at the weekend.

I would be grateful for any you can send me with regard
to this matter.

Yours sincerely, Annie Brooks
e-mail: annie Brooks

Annie, Get hold of a copy of a magazine called Limelight.

It lists all the local authority courses run at adult institutes in
London. You’ll find evening and weekend courses in that.

Your local library has a copy!

Tony Konrath
Gold and Stone

Annie could try getting work experience at one of the collective
studios in London, for instance Cockpit Studios in Farringdon. I
would have thought that one of the jewellers there would be happy to
give a students work experience.