Hello, I am a Certified Dental Assistant with a whimisical webpage
about the toothfairy and other dental links. I would like to link to a
site which features photos of jewellery made from children’s baby
teeth. (milkteeth) For example gold plated charms of real teeth or
necklaces etc. I know this was and still is a tradition in some
parts of the world. The only site I have located in the past, now
seems constantly under construction? www.milkteeth.com It was in
Japanese I think, but the photos were fine! Maybe you would have the
resources to direct me to someplace or someone that might be able to
help me? I work in Orthodontics which requires wire bending and
detailed work as well, somewhat similar to jewellery making I
suppose? Thanks in advance. Somebody in a jewellery club
discussion group on Yahoo directed me to your site. It is a great
resource. Thanks in advance for your help.