Jeweler Chic

was When your work gets ripped…

Again, it makes an impression. People don't forget and it gives
you something to talk about besides how they are going to be
spending their money with you. In this day of casual everything
sometimes not being so casual makes you leave more of an impression
than anything else. 

I am fascinated with the discussion of clothes, tattoos and ear
piercings for male jewelers (I have seen Daniel’s unique hair style,
and I confess I commented on it, too). It seems to imply that people
buy into the artist-personality as part of the jewelry-buying
experience-- making it clear to them they’re not in a standard

So I’m wondering whether anyone else out there, especially women,
have special things about their appearance they believe helps their
bottom line. These men seem to feel that looking less conventional
(but not too informal) is a good thing. Other thoughts?

As for myself, I wear my hair in a buzz cut with just a little extra
length in the front to make a point (a literal point, on my
forehead). I used to think I would like to get it colored like
leopard spots, but I never found anyone I thought could do the job,
and now it seems like too much trouble. I always told myself I would
do it if I ever had a solo show, but now I don’t think that is
really at all likely. I did color it a very un-natural red for a
while, but turned out to be allergic to the dye.

This discussion has me thinking that more personal style might be a
good idea.


Most definitely the way an artiist dresses makes an impression on
people. I live in a small communityand have for about 30 years.
Everyone knows I am an artist and no longer really remark on my (dif
clothes). I do a wholesale show in Arizona, up class, everyone
dresses the part and so have a show wardrobe so at home I will wear
my show clothes when we go out. I get compliments from our
aquaintances(they don’t know what else to say) and stares from
strangers. (We are a laid back community, rural… I also
wear these clothes to art fairs and find people associate my dress
with my art… Funny tho, I wore one of my more colorful outfits to
our daughters wedding(matched her colors) where everyone else was
elegantly conservative and the comment was made. well…you are an
artist…I really don’t wish to know what that meant.


I have seen Daniel's unique hair style, and I confess I commented
on it, too). 

Well actually you could look at this as being very closely related to
the original postings on work being ripped off and it could bring up
all of the same questions. Let’s examine the issue. I have a “unique”
hair style composed of X’s and lines cut into my head in a particular
pattern. Is this truly a “unique” design? Has anyone else done
something similar in the past? Well, I know other people have had
lines cut into their hair (there was a guy in New York who could do
maps of the world on your head if you wanted), but what about my
particular design? Has it ever been done in the past (is it possible
that some primitive societies had similar hair designs)? Do I have
the right to pursue copyright violations should someone choose to
copy my hairstyle? Do I own the design (as I worked it out in
conjunction with my hairdresser) or does my hairdresser own it since
he actually does the work? Would it be up to my hairdresser to
pursue copyright violations? Is it even something that could be
considered for copyright— in other words is it art?, or is it
something that is simply functional as ornamentation? or is it too
closely based on other work in the field of hair lines to be
considered truly unique? or what happens if someone naturally loses
his hair and it ends up looking almost the same (can I sue for
copyright violations in the event of a natural occurrence)? And of
course the other question is should I have my hairdresser add a
copyright mark somewhere in the pattern to make sure that no one else
even thinks of stealing the design? Then come the other questions.
How much could I (or my hairdresser) get if I pursued copyright
violation in a court of law? What is the value to me in lost business
if suddenly ten other people have exactly the same haircut? How much
am I willing to spend on attorneys to make sure that my hair style
remains unique? What would happen in court if they varied the design
by 10% (James White, I know, I know this isn’t the law)? What about
if they just left off the tail? How about if they didn’t have the
beard (there are a few small lines cut there too)? What about if they
used gel in it differently? What about if I’m in a partnership? Do I
own my hair design or is it considered partnership property? How
about if a former employee decides to open a new store and uses my
haircut? You know, I’ve exhausted myself just by thinking about all
of the possibilities here. Maybe I’ll just go back to making the
jewelry I love to and not worry about whether anyone is copying
anything I do.

Daniel R. Spirer, G.G.
Daniel R. Spirer Jewelers, LLC
1780 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02140

I am very small and thin and I have very long, (waist length), very
curly, very wild, masses of reddish blond hair and very green eyes.
I dress in solid quiet colors with no frills, no prints and no
excess. I seldom wear a dress. None the less, at the last ACC
Baltimore show, an exhibitor who was across from me told me that
every time I came out from behind my booth, she fully expected to see
a mermaid’s tail. Some very tattooed and celtic clad someone walking
by, looked at me, stopped, laughed, and then returned to drop off a
magazine at my booth on unicorns, nymphs and magic. My nieces and
nephew call me “Aunt Fairy”. They think that’s hysterical. People do
often tell me that I look just like my jewelry…whatever that

The fronds and fairy folk are truly heartened by the fact that my son
is named “Wolf”. That I lived in Germany and Holland for some time
and that his dad’s family is German means bupkus to them. One of my
childhood nicknames was, “babayaga”. (I was 5). As a joke, I recently
put up a small painted sign on my huge wooden front door that reads,
“the witch is in”. Upon seeing it for the first time, my son, without
hesitating a blink in his stride, walked past it saying, “Mom… do
you really think that people need a sign to know that?”

In truth, I am about as new age or airy-fairy as an old wooden fence
post…Astrophysics spoken here, not astrology… I guess the
"look" must sell jewelry as I remain in business. Either that, or its
the jewelry itself… :wink:


Lisa, (In case you are wondering, I don’t cut my hair because it then
becomes a halo or an afro and a whole other set of comments and
associations arise. Shorter still? Think “pixie”…shudder.),
Topanga, CA USA

Lisa’s always colorful account reminds me of an episode in my life.
I was attending my goldsmithing instructor’s master’s show on Melrose
Avenue (very chic arty place)

There I was with my hip-length hair and very bold jewels and
clothes, nothing shy about me. The other people looked as if they had
come from Central Casting for a movie about gentrified Greenwich
Village types.

And, in the corner, looking like a little dun mouseburger, was my
teacher. Short brown hair, no makeup, home-made brown dress, flat
shoes. She looked as if she were part of the maintenance crew that
would be cleaning up after we devoured the cheese and wine.

Her jewelry? Spectacular and exquisitely fabricated (no casting
ever) and profoundly beautiful.


Her jewelry? Spectacular and exquisitely fabricated (no casting
ever) and profoundly beautiful. 

So who was the teacher, and where can we see her jewelry?

Lisa, (my best friend told all of her workers that I played the part
of the Little Mermaid at Disneyland. Thus one of my other nicknames:
Serenita), Topanga, CA USA


When I studied with her, her name was Elaine Schlup but she returned
to her birth name some years later and I don’t remember what that
name was. I do remember that it had a nicer ring to it than Schlup.


Reminds me of a De Beers diamond award ceremony back in the 80’s. My
employers design ( but utilizing one of my design elements and
depending on my bench skills) and a borrowed really large diamond. He
insisted that I attend the award ceremony for my involvement, even
over my protests that the awards seemed solely to be based on the
stone size. He also maintained that the only proper attire was a

And there we were the only guys wearing monkey suits, except for the
waiters handing out champagne.
